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       Darkness all i could see was darkness surrounding me everywhere. All i could think was is this the afterlife, was i dead? no i couldn't be dead not yet at least. Without warning light overtook my vision, an intense white light hit my eyes causing me to close them fully.

After a while i open my eyes blinking them rapidly to adjust to the new light around me. Once my vision is clear i realize i am no longer in a dark void, but back...on dragonstone? millions of questions go through my mind, now I'm starting to think i really am dead. Looking around the beach scanning for a sign of anyone my eyes stop on a figure in the distance looking out at the water. Cautiously i make my way towards the figure confusion written all over my face, getting closer to the figure i can make out the fact that it is a women, but what really gets my attention is the platinum white hair she has flowing down her back.

With curiosity i walk closer to the woman with built courage i decide to speak, "Who are you...what am i doing here!?" i ask trying  to mask the stutter in my voice. At first the woman doesn't say anything making me grow frustrated and even more so when i see her shoulders move up and down as if she was laughing. "Are you laughing at me!?" i ask the mysterious woman in front of me and as soon as she turns around i'm lost for words yes i'm definitely dead. "I see you've grown a temper over the son" Rhaella says with a gentle smile, " i died?" i ask that could be the only explanation to me seeing my mother and on dragonstone at that. She walks closer to me grabbing my hands in hers "no my sweet boy you are not dead" she says before pulling me in with a warm embrace and for the first time in years i relax holding onto my mother scared to let go, scared i'll wake up. Rhaella pull back from the hug looking at me with love then her face turns to rage and the next thing i feel is stinging on my left cheek.

I hold my stinging cheek in shock unable to say anything "I should give u more than that for the way you have treated your sister over the years, your baby sister viserys!!" she says voice filled with rage. rhaella was no violent person and never yelled but right now it looked as if she could actually spit fire, all i can do is stutter under the stare of my mother. "Not only that but you sale her like a mare up for grabs, treat her as if she is not your blood have i not raised u better!?" She screams at me but i cut her off "you weren't there...a child taking care of another child in a world that wants them dead, earning the name beggar king." I couldn't even look my mother in the face she was right what kind of brother sales his own sister, in this moment i wish this was the afterlife and i was dead. 

"Viserys look at me" she says lifting my chin with her finger " i am sorry for what you had to go through to keep you and daenerys alive i was always watching always looking over my little dragons, but my sweet you mustn't let that make you cruel you are not a cruel person viserys deep down i know your still the sweet boy that wanted to protect his baby sister." she says " and you know of what they say about us targaryens and going mad...don't prove them right your sister needs you, and house targaryen needs you and your sister." My mother says looking into my eyes "i'm so sorry mother i have failed you...i've become father" i say the last part in a whisper a tear falling from my eye. "No my son no you are not your father do you hear me your not, have you made mistakes yes but you have a chance to make things right it's not too late viserys." She says before pulling me into another hug "i don't have much longer my son you will wake soon" she says but i don't make an attempt to let her go. "I'm not ready to say goodbye mother" i say holding her tighter.

"This is not goodbye we will see each other again and remember we will always be watching." Hearing her say that my brows furrow in confusion before she releases our hug and looks over my shoulder causing me to turn around, and what i see brings added tears to my eyes it's as if everyone throughout targaryen history returned to dragonstone all standing on the beach i see my brother rhaegar and even my father "your ancestors are also watching my son, you and daenerys will bring greatness to our house again i know that" she says placing a hand on my shoulder... "now wake up."

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