Chapter 1

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      I sit up in my bed with a start sweat covering my face and chest breathing heavily i reach a finger to my eyes pulling it back

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   I sit up in my bed with a start sweat covering my face and chest breathing heavily i reach a finger to my eyes pulling it back...tears upon remembering my dream i start to feel sad about my mother. Looking around my tent i can see light peaking through i'm still in the dothraki camp. trying to gather my thoughts about the dream i just had and the conversation i had with my mother i hear someone outside my tent.

"your grace i have a message from the khaleesi" hearing its one of dany's serving girls i beckon her in "you may enter" still sitting up in bed she walks in "the khaleesi wishes for you to join her in her tent for supper." she says and i can tell she is scared "you may tell my sister that i will join her i'll just need a bath first but it won't take long" i say trying to have a gentle voice since the girl already seems timid around me. "of course your grace i will have someone come prepare your bath" before i can say anything she's gone "...thank you" i say watching my tent flaps.

It's not long till someone does come prepare my bath and i'm once again alone. Stepping into the bath i settle into the hot water closing my eyes i start to think about my dream again which i don't even know if i wanted to call it a dream but more so a reality check from my mother. Once i'm done with my bath and put on a fresh set of clothes i make my way towards daenerys tent. I must admit i'm nervous how do i apologize for years of cruelty. "daenerys may i come in?" i ask standing outside the tent, hearing shuffling of feet i step forward a little "you may come in viserys" i hear her say and i walk in moving the curtain back. Looking around i can see she's prepared supper amongst other things and i see one of her serving girls in here as well.

"Thank you for coming, i didn't think you would" daenerys says messing with her fingers. Gosh i'm terrible is all i can think " of course" i say smiling at her gently trying to avoid awkwardness "will you leave us please?" she asks the dothraki girl, nodding the girl gets up and takes her leave. "please sit down i've had an assortment of things made i don't know what you would really like so i had quite a bit made but if you don't want this i'm sure..." dany rambles on and all i can do is let out a smile laugh which completely shocks her "dany it's fine im sure it's delicious" i say finding a comfy spot on the ground. She lets out a sigh relaxing and sits across from me placing dishes in front of them both. It's silent for a little till both try to speak at the same time "you can go first" they say at the same time again causing laughter to flow between them "you go first" she says to me smiling and i smile as well till i turn a little serious "listen dany...i know i'm not one to apologize for things ever but you deserve one more than anything, i have been a terrible brother to you." i start to say "vis you don't have to" she tries to say but i cut her off " no dany i do you deserve an apology more than anyone your my sister i'm supposed to protect and be there for you and i haven't the past couple years i've treated you terribly and i am so sorry i became like our father but i don't want to be him i want to be better dany i do i want us to go home together."

Finishing my apology i look at dany who has tears in her eyes just staring at me "oh dany i didn't mean", but before i could finish she ran over to my side and hugged me crying into my shoulder hesitantly i hug her back melting in the embrace of my sister i've done so wrong but not anymore. "i've missed my brother" she says into my shoulder "im sorry dany i'll live the rest of my life making it up to you" i say hugging her tighter.
pulling away from the hug she looks at me "i forgive you" she says which now causes tears to feel my eyes causing me to look away, she shouldn't forgive me so quickly but she did because that's just dany.

Wiping our tears we both start to chuckle noticing how puffy our eyes have become "so what is it you wanted to tell me?" i ask her she stands going over to the side table messing this a necklace "i am pregnant" she says a smile gracing her face i am not completely shocked i knew it would happen eventually still doesn't stop this feeling i have knowing my sister is pregnant, by the man i sold her to no less "congratulations dany" i say getting up to hug her once more.

"Have you told the khal yet?" i ask her "yes he knows" daenerys says smile never leaving her face "oh wait i had something made for you" she says excited moving past me walking over to the table she picks up a vest not fully made like dothraki make clothing but something close and better fit for me. Holding it up for me to see my eyes scan it "do you like it" she asks smile still present and how could i possibly say no "yes dany thank you." i thank her grabbing the material "shall we return to eating i don't want the food to get too cold" she asks and i agree with her as we sit back down.

Me and dany have been in her tent for a while having random conversations telling her of what i remember living in kings landing telling her about our mother and brother to the point we got to the topic of dragons. She even let me hold one of the dragon eggs which felt amazing i had picked up the light blue shelled one running a finger across the scales. Me and daenerys were both talking of what we thought dragons would've looked like and how people were able to live amongst them, but our conversation is soon interrupted "khaleesi it's jorah may i come in?" hearing jorah i turn my attention towards the entry of the tent " you may ser" seeing him enter i start to realize it is night and by the look on jorahs face he's quite shocked to see me and looks between me and dany "i just wanted to come and check on you, see how you were holding up" he says fully looking at dany now " i'm fine ser jorah no need to worry me and my brother had supper and were just chatting" daenerys says smiling at the man "oh well then i'll just leave you guys to it." he says getting ready to leave before i stop him " no need ser it is getting late it seems it best i be off" i say looking back at dany who's face falters a bit " oh..alright then good night" she says "i'll see you in the morning" i say before giving her a light kiss on the cheek then walking out of the tent.

Walking back to my camping spot i can't stop thinking that's the most i've smiled in a while and the most me and dany ever talked. I left knowing jorah would want to question her about my being there which i can understand but i also can't help for feel happy about a new step this is for me and dany.

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