Chapter 3

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The sun was just beginning to rise when I got up to get ready for my training with ser jorah. I grabbed my sword and made my way out of my tent, it was so quiet there was no bustling of the dothraki and no clinking of steel just the morning breeze and the sounds of some birds here and there.

I made my way to the spot the others usually did their training to wait on ser jorah. Taking my sword out of my sheath I start to give it a few swings it wasn't too heavy it was light enough for me to not have any problems holding and swinging it around. "keep swinging like that you'll cut your own head off" hearing a voice I swing around almost taking off jorah's head but he stepped back just in time "jorah you nearly scared me to death...sorry for almost taking your head off" i say lowering my sword. Jorah just shakes his head "you have a powerful swing but your sloppy and you need to balance your feet don't want to go falling over yourself" he says which i nod my head taking in his advice, "ok now let's begin."

Jorah had been showing me stances for holding my sword telling me to find one that fits better to me and keeping a balance, along with me and him throwing strikes at one another which caused him to counter it and knock me down. I had landed hard on the ground for what felt like the millionth time i was sure my butt was gonna be bruised later. "I think that's enough for today" he says helping me up "i think you're right if i fall anymore all the bones in my but will break" i say causing jorah to let out a small chuckle and i see that as progress. "Thank you ser jorah same time tomorrow?" i ask sheathing my sword to which he nods before speaking again "do you even have a name for your sword?" he asks and i knit my eyebrows together, "every sword needs a name" he says and i just shrug not really knowing what i could name it "well let me know when you come up with something" he says before walking away.

The sun had fully risen and everyone was out and about. I had long gone back to my tent to have a bath and now was once again walking around the camp. "viserys wait up!" i hear the sound of daenerys voice behind me and turn around to see her running towards me, once she reaches me she laces her arm with mine "hello sister" i say smiling down at her "good morning how was training with ser jorah?" she asks as we continue to walk "quite eventful but i've never fallen on my arse more in my life" i say making her laugh. "Well ser jorah is very skilled i know he will teach you well, but i came to ask if you wanted to go into town with me to the market?" she asks as we stop walking and its then i notice danys serving girls and a dothraki boy that have been following. "sure i'd love to" i say which makes her smile "great we're leaving now" she says pulling me in the other direction.

Walking through the market there is a lot of bustle, many merchants trying to get my attention to buy whatever they are selling.

Still walking arm in arm with dany through the market jorah walking right along with us and danys serving girls walking right behind "i tried talking to drogo this morning...about us getting the throne back so we can go home but he does not believe it necessary along with ser jorah" daenerys tells me then turns her head to jorah. "That is not what i meant khaleesi but the dothraki do things in their own time for their own reasons" he says as we continue to walk "the dothraki have never crossed the sea i can understand him not believing anything beyond it,but he needs to understand that we need to get home." i say turning towards jorah "have patience, you two will go home i promise you" and all i could do was slightly roll my eyes promises really meant nothing. "How do you know the people will accept us we are practically outsiders?" i ask jorah causing daenerys to speak up before him "you are the rightful heir to the throne shouldn't that mean something?" she asks making jorah laugh "have i said something funny ser?" she asks furrowing her eyebrows "it's ok dany" i say to calm her. "Forgive me khaleesi but your ancestor aegon the conqueror didn't take the 7 kingdoms because it was his right he had no right to he seized them because he could" jorah explains "because he had dragons" she continues with her point "well that certainly makes things easier" jorah says and u can tell he does not believe in such things.

"You don't believe it do you?" i ask continuing to look forward "it was 300 years ago i believe what my eyes and ears recall now if you pardon me i am going to seek out the merchant captain see if he has any letters for me" he says "we'll come with you" daenerys says "no i don't want to trouble you continue to look around the market i won't be long" he states before walking off "come on dany i see a stand up ahead i want to look at" i say to get her attention she just nods and we walk away.

I ended up getting me a new bag to keep some of my things and as i was paying for the bag when i notice dany at another stand talking to the shop owner. Growing suspicious i walk up to them as the merchant hands the barrel of wine to danys guard. Then jorah walks up "put down that barrel i am feeling thirsty" he says and by the way jorah is looking at the merchant i catch on. "wine like this needs time to breathe it would be a crime" he starts to ramble "do what he says" i say making my presence known "at once my prince" the merchant says before filling the glass handing it to jorah and he smells it "you first" he says moving the glass back to the man and now he looks scared.

"oh i couldn't possibly" he says before dany interrupts him "drink it" she says her tone serious "as the princess commands" as he brings the glass to his lips he pushes past all of us but before he can get too far i grab the back of his shirt pulling him back "you dare to try and poison my sister" i say keeping a hold on him "take him" i say to one of the dothraki "we take orders from the khaleesi" he says and u give him an annoyed look "do as he says" dany says still standing by ser jorah and they do. "are you ok dany" i ask walking back to her "yes i am fine" she says still in shock

"What will they do to him" daenerys asks as me her and jorah look at the man tied to the post "when the khalasar rises he'll be leashed to a saddle and be forced to run behind" jorah says "what happens when he falls?" i ask "i've seen a man run for 9 miles" he says then there is silence "that usurper still wants us dead" i say breaking the silence " he will not rest until the job is done no matter where you both go he will both are the last two targaryens you daenerys carry a son that will have targaryen blood and 40,000 riders behind him." he says making both of us go quiet for a minute "he will not have my son" she says with a determined look "he will not have you either sister" i say grabbing her hand

Khal drogo soon after walks in making his way over to daenerys after giving a death stare to the merchant "moon of my life are you hurt" he asks which dany shakes her head no then turns his attention to me and jorah "jorah the andal...viserys brother of my moon i heard what you both did choose any horse of your liking this is my gift to you" he says and i can only make out a little of what he's saying "and to my son the stallion who will mount the world i also pledge a gift, i will give him the iron throne, i will give him the 7 kingdoms i drogo will do this." to say i am shocked is a understatement i squeeze danys hand in the prospect of us finally going home.

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