Chapter 38

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The car comes to a halt announcing their arrival. Diamond gazes at the small restaurant in front of her. Fairy lights surrounded the small area, brightening it up.

"Well, this is the address." Liam says, looking at the car's navigator.

Diamond unlocks her door and reaches for the handle. She looks back to her husband, wondering why he's not following suit.

"You're not coming?"

Liam shakes his head. "I think it's best if you speak with him alone."

Diamond opens her mouth to protest, but Liam cuts in.

"This is your conversation. You two need to speak, and I don't think the conversation will go well if I'm hovering around."

Liam smiles encouragingly at his wife, who still looks unsure.

"If anything happens in there, I'll be there in an instant. See, " He says, pointing to the window. "I can see everything from here. I trust you, and I know you'll do just fine."

That seems to convince Diamond as she nods a small on her face. Leaning to him, she places a quick kiss on his lips.

"I'll be back soon, yeah?"

Liam nods and waves at his wife, who turns around and enters the restaurant.

Diamond immediately finds Lionel sitting by the window, scrolling on his phone, his leg bouncing anxiously.

"Lionel." She calls out, making the man immediately jump to his feet.

"You're here!" He beams. "I thought you weren't going to make it."

Diamond looks down at her watch, eyebrows furrowed upon noticing she wasn't late. She arrived exactly at the time he had set. She glances around, noticing there is no one in the room, except a few workers.

"I booked the restaurant for the night. I thought it'd be better than to let anyone listen in."

Diamond nods at the statement and sits down across from him. She notices a drink by her side.

"I order something for you. I hope you don't mind."

Diamond shakes her head and picks up the drink. Placing the straw on her lips, she takes in a few sips whilst waiting for the man to start speaking.

"I wanted to start first by apologizing. I realize that my behavior has been irrational since my arrival. It's just that when I found out about your wedding, I was told it was done under weird circumstances. Seeing you and Liam acting like a couple caught me off guard."

Diamond stares at the man, not expecting the apology. Despite all that had happened, she appreciated the gesture.

"I shouldn't have accused you of marrying him for his connections. Your family business is just as well off as the Parks, and that was wrong of me. I let my jealousy and frustration blind me and turned me into someone I'm not. I'm sorry, Diamond."

Diamond smiles at the man. "I appreciate your apology."

Liam returns the smile and takes a sip of his drink. Putting it down, he clears his throat.

"How long have you been married?"

"Just under a year." She responds curtly.

"Are you happy?"

Diamond remains silent for a second before nodding.

"Yes. Very much."

Lionel nods, his head bowed.

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