Chapter 13

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It was currently 8 pm and Liam had woken up. He leans on the headboard for support as he stretches out his arms in the air.

How long was I asleep?

He pushes himself out of bed and heads outside to search for his wife. Liam walks past several rooms in the house before noticing a soft light coming from the library. He quietly walks over to the room and opens the door.

Diamond was curled up on the couch, a blanket covering half her body. She was immensely engrossed in the book that she did not hear Liam reach her side.

“What the hell!” Diamond shrieks, feeling something touching her.

She jerks up from her previous position only to see Liam standing beside her with a soft smile on his face.

“Sorry.” He mumbles, his voice sounding tired.

“It's okay,” Diamond responds, putting down her book. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. My throat doesn’t hurt as much.”

“You look better, too.”

Diamond stands up from her seat and closes the distance between her and her husband. Liam’s eyes slightly show panic as she tries to figure out what she is doing. He watches as his wife lifts her right hand and gently presses her palm on his forehead. The remaining hand was placed on her forehead as she remained silent for a few seconds.

“Your fever seems to be down, too.” She informs feeling relieved. “I was so worried about it not going down. I didn’t know what to do.”

Diamond removes her hand and takes a step back. “Are you hungry? Cause I am. I haven’t had dinner yet.”

Liam shrugs. “I could eat.”

“You should. You only had to soup today.”

“Which was delicious, by the way. Sick Liam couldn’t explain that.”

Diamond chuckles softly. “What do you want to eat? I can make some pasta if you want?”

Liam shakes his head. “You’ve been running around taking care of me. Let me return the favor. I’ll cook.”

“No.” Diamond rejects. “You’re sick, I can’t make you stand in front of a stove cooking. You need to regain your energy.”

“The soup has worked its magic Diamond. I’ve been in that bed the whole day I have plenty of energy to spare.”

Diamond crosses her arms over her chest, not convinced by Liam’s statement.

“It will be fine.” He tries to reassure, watching the stern look his wife was giving him.

A smile finds its way on his lips as he listens to his wife’s stomach grumble softly.

“What? I said I was hungry.” Diamond defends, embarrassed.

“And I’m offering to cook. No, scratch that, I am saying I will cook. Now let’s go downstairs and let me make something for you before your stomach causes the house to tumble down.”

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