Chapter 35

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The couple arrived at the said restaurant and Diamond's eyes widened in awe. A beautiful small but spacious place stood proudly on the tallest floor of a skyscraper. The view was absolutely magnificent. Diamond loved it.

"Wow!" She exclaims. "Look at that view."

"I'm glad you liked it." Liam says, leading his wife to their table.

"How did you even find this place?"

"I stopped by for a meeting then I just found it. Lucky coincidence really."

"Welcome to Skyview. I'll be your server today. May I ask what you would like to drink?"

The two order their drinks making the server turn back to fetch them. Upon returning the two chose their meals, leaving them with some alone time.

"How was your day at work?" Liam asks, starting at his wife.

"It was alright." Diamond sighs, thinking back to Lionel.

Liam notices the sudden shift in Diamond's tone. "Did something happen?"

"Lionel came for a visit."

Just hearing the name made Liam feel weirdly nervous. He wouldn't say he was threatened by Lionel but after what he had done before he was scared for his wife's safety.

He was also scared that she was going to leave him.

"Oh. Well, what did he want?" He asks, trying to ease his beating heart.

"He wanted to explain why he left. He tried apologising."

Liam's grip on his glass tightens as he waits for Diamond to finish.

"I didn't listen. I asked him to leave but he refused."

Now Liam was starting to feel worried. Did Lionel try to do something against her again?

A scoff escapes her lips, making Liam's attention snap back to her. "He then went on to ask whether I married you for your company."

Liam's anger suddenly shifts to sadness upon seeing his wife's expression. Despite Diamond's deep resentment towards Lionel, his words hurt nevertheless.

"How could he?" Diamond asks voice cracking. "How can he accuse me of doing such a thing? Who does he think he is."

Liam lands a sympathetic hand on Diamond's as he continues to carress it softly. He didn't know what to say. He didn't think saying anything would change what Diamond was feeling. Sometimes it's not words that comfort another. It's the presence.

And that's what Liam was going to do. Listen to his wife.

"You know I was shocked when he said that. But I ended up slapping him."

Wait what?

Liam looks at his wife, who was now looking directly back at him. He watches as Diamond's chin quivers before a giggle escapes her lips.

"It felt satisfying really. I didn't think he was expecting me to smack him in the face."

Well that was a sudden change of emotion.

Still Liam joined in with the laughter as he felt a booming feeling of pride forming in his chest.

Lionel might have hurt Diamond, but that didn't stop her from defending herself.

Despite meeting the person who scarred her the most. Diamond remained as strong as ever.

The laughter dies down after several minutes and Liam examines his wife before speaking.

"Putting laughter aside, how are you feeling though?"

Diamond takes in a breath before responding.

"I always thought about how I was going to react if Lionel was ever to return. Now when I saw him, I felt...nothing. I was extremely angry at him before. I deeply resented him. But after I slapped him, it all went away."

Diamond looks at Liam directly in his eyes with a small smile on her face.

"I could care less about Lionel now Liam. He's my past. You are my future now."

And just like that, the worries Liam once had were gone in an instant. A wide smile breaks across his lips as he watches Diamond return an equally large smile.

"Your food is ready." The server announces, holding two plates of scalding hot food.

"Thank you." The couple says in unison.

Diamond's mouth waters at the delicious looking pork chop infront of her. Pork is her favourite. It has been her favourite and will stay her favourite.

"Enjoy your meal." Liam says amused at his wife's hungry expression.

"You too!"


The big black gates of their house open with Liam moving into the driveway. Today Diamond wanted to come home more than ever. Lionel had completely wiped out her energy but Liam managed to revive it just like that.

Carefully parking, Liam switches off the engine and turns to look at his wife who held a happy expression.

Taking he hand, Liam places a soft kiss on top.

"I can't wait to experience my future with you too."

And with that, the two enter their home hand in hand.


They are so cute they hurt my heart.

No I do not know how to drive so ignore the wrong driving terms

Also I was tryna write this chapter and this thing decided to randomly switch off.

Can a sugar daddy fall off the sky and spoil me with new tech?

PS: This book is almost finished


Stay safe yall


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