Chapter 16

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Diamond was tapping away on her phone waiting for Liam to return from the bathroom. In her hands was a bag from Hermes that currently held Liam’s new expensive watch. Despite being annoyed to have lost the bet, she felt warm and fuzzy upon seeing Liam’s sweet smile as she purchased the watch. 

“Okay, you take forever in the bathroom. I almost decided to go eat by myself.” Diamond commented, putting away her phone. 

“The line was long.” Liam mumbled. “Let’s go eat.”

The two arrive at a nearby restaurant where they are seated immediately. Choosing their dishes, Liam and Diamond make small talk whilst waiting for the food. 

Liam’s phone lights up signalling a message. 

“What?” Diamond asks curiously, watching her husband smile at himself.

“The pictures from the haunted mansion.” He explains, his smile growing larger.

Liam hands his phone to his wife who immediately begins to go through the photos. Diamond feels herself heat up in embarrassment upon reaching a photo specifically of her practically glued onto Liam with a few tears on her cheeks.

“I knew you were scared but not that scared” He teases. “You really must not like haunted houses then Diamond.”

“I thought I had grown out of it.” She shrugs, trying to play it cool. “I would have managed, but you had to push me to press the button.”

“Push?” Liam repeats. “The correct word, my dear, is suggest.”

Diamond gives Liam a dry look.

“You were screaming your lungs out. I did what any man would do. I only suggested you push the button, and you did just that. I don’t know how that is my fault.”

Diamond scoffs at the terrible excuse. “Admit it, Liam, you play dirty.”

 “Should have accepted that I don’t lose bets then.”

"Your food is ready." The waitress announces, placing two seats of beautifully designed dishes in front of the couple.



The two enter the door back into their house, both equally exhausted by today's activities. Diamond rushes to her bedroom, where she takes a quick shower and changes into a comfy set of pajamas. She makes her way down to the living room to find Liam already seated on the couch, with the remote in his hand.

"Today seems like a good day to watch a horror, no?" He suggests scrolling past the list of movies.

"No horrors! I had enough today."

"The haunted house wasn't that bad."

Diamond looks over to her husband with a horrified expression on her face.

"That bad? Liam, that was one of the most scariest experiences in my life! I'm never going back."

"How are we going to find out what levels nine and ten are all about then?" He asks an innocent look, framing his features.

"You can go back if you want but I won't be there with you."

"So, Wrong Turn?" Liam suggests looking at the screen.

"No!" Diamond yells and reaches for the remote.

Fortunately, Liam was elongated enough to keep the remote out of his wife's reach. Poor Diamond, who was desperately trying to get the remote, did all she could to grab it. She was willing to do anything to not watch a horror.

Even if it meant practically climbing on top of Liam.

"Give. Me. That." She demands, her hands being a few centimeters away from the prize.

"You have to try harder, Diamond."

"What are you, twelve?" She huffs, feeling her hands starting to lose power.

Using the little amount of energy she had left, Diamond manages to jerk forward and move further on top of Liam, successfully reaching for the remote.

With a proud smile, Diamond lowers her gaze only to be met with Liam's.

Did I just do this for a remote? She ponders, embarrassment reaching her face.

"No horror." She manages to choke out,  slowly peeling herself off Liam.

"Since I have the remote, I will choose the movie."

Liam, who didn't seem an ounce bothered nodded in response and waited for the movie to begin.

Am I the only one feeling awkward? Diamond thinks, looking over at the calm demeanor Liam resonated.

Little did Diamond know how loudly his heart was beating out of his chest.


After watching both of the Legally Blonde movies, the couple decided that it was time for bed. The two reach their significant bedrooms, and with a quick goodbye, they both enter their rooms.

Diamond walks over to her dressing table, where she picks up her bonnet. Sliding it on,  she heads to her bed only to find something waiting for her.

A small gift back in the middle of the bed with a note of the side.

I thought this might look great on you.

Putting down the note, Diamond pulls out the box from the gift bag.

Opening it, she finds a beautiful silver necklace inside. At the box's respective ends, there were two different charms meant for the necklace: a small rose and a cute little hippo. Random but cute.

"Aw, how pretty." Diamond gushes, holding the necklaces in her hands.

"Thank you, Liam."


Hello!!! Yes, I am alive.

Sorry for taking FOREVER.


Here's a small but slightly cute chapter for yall lovelies.






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