Chapter 19

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The week passed rather quickly and the weekend had arrived. Liam woke up earlier in the morning and spent the last three hours on his laptop doing his work. Completely focused on his tasks, Liam didn't realize Liza had just entered the lounge area.

"Morning!" Liza chirps happily.

"Morning Liza." Liam greets back not sparing a glance.

"Are you busy?"


"Businessmen never rest huh?"


Liza walks past him and takes a seat on the couch adjacent to Liam.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

"It's a public space. Feel free."

Showing a small smile, Liza quickly makes herself comfortable on the sofa.

Thirty minutes of complete silence pass and the only sound that could be heard is the constant clicking of Liam's keyboard.

"You've been working diligently for almost four hours now. You should take a rest. It is the weekend after all."

Liam doesn't look up from his screen. "I'm almost done."

Liza shakes her head before returning back to her phone.

Another twenty minutes pass and Liam closes his laptop, signifying his complete project. Liza notices and straightens her posture showing Liam he has her full attention.

Only Liam doesn't say anything. For a few seconds that is.

"How are you feeling by the way? Fatigue finally gone?"

Liza smiles shyly. "Oh yes. This past week has been such an amazing rest. Thank you so much for bringing me into your home."

"You've already thanked us enough. I hope you continue staying comfortable."

There was something about Liam who was dressed in casual sweatpants and a matching hoodie. Liza had always seen Liam dressed in business wear be it formal or casual. Such simple clothing made Liza want to swoon out loud.

And she does.

Liza lets out a giggle causing Liam to stare at her. Stopping, Liza smiles warmly at the man.

"Kind, considerate, hardworking. What a perfect package you are."

Liam clears his throat, feeling a bit uneasy from the praise. If anyone else heard Liza's compliment it would have been taken as nothing but grateful praise. Yet Liam had a feeling that Liza held an underlying intention with her statement.

"Thanks," He mumbles.

"Oh, and I forgot another trait. Handsome."


Liza pushes her body forward causing her V-neck pajama to slide down. It was innocent really. Liza hadn't noticed that her top had done that.  

"Do you have any plans for today?"

Liam maintains a blank look. "Why do you ask?"

"I was supposed to go to the movies with one of my friends but she couldn't make it."

Liam nods.

Liza feels her courage whither from the stare Liam was giving her.

Why is he looking at me like I'm lying?

"She's a nurse. She was called for an emergency shift."

That statement seemed to make Liam almost believe her. His believing her did not matter. What mattered was whether Liam wanted to go out with Liza or not.

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