Kiss Me

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I pick up one of the plastic swords he threw on the ground while feeling my blood boil with anger. I feel triggered every fucking time I'm around him, and I didn't know why! If he was teaching me a lesson on how my friends treat others, I got the damn message loud and clear. If it was me he was trying to teach a lesson to, I got it! Because now all I wanted was an explanation for why the hell he can't be transparent with how he feels about me.

I've known for a long time why he's acting this way. Because it's the same way I used to treat him. And if he was giving me a taste of my own medicine, well I received a full dosage!

My body can't take it anymore... I scream out his name in fury. I threw down the sword with much more intensity than he did and march right into the tech room.

"Angel! Why the hell are you acting like a fucking asshole," I cry out, standing in the entrance way as I watched him organize the shelf he was on. He seemed unfazed by anything I said.

"What are you talking about dude," he asked with a monotone. Angel's face was blank, from what I could tell from his side profile, which was is cute... no! I'm angry at him! He can't be cute right now!

"Im talking about you acting like a little bitch Angel! You know what the hell I'm talking about!" No answer! Seriously. Scoffing, I walk away, giving up on the conversation all together. Knowing he will want the last word, I begin to pull out my AirPods.

"Let's fucking talk about the one place I can avoid your clueless ass!" I hear him shout from the tech room. I stopped dead in my tracks. He finally said it!
Angel finally said why he is so angry at the world for putting me in the same program as him and why I've had to take his shit for weeks upon weeks.

I walk back slowly to the entrance, wanting him to explain more.

"Yeah!" He turns his body fully towards me, his eyes were watery. Contradicting the anger I thought he had. Or jealousy even. "You show up to the only place I find peace away from you and your ignorant friends! The one place I could avoid the majority of the school. And then somehow someway, you are already one of Mr. Shoop's favorite students?"

"You know that's not the real reason you're mad at me, Angel," I interrupt him, fishing for something bigger to cook.

"Oh yea, maybe because you danced with me at your party and after your slut of a girlfriend cheated, you decided to push me away," he retorted back. If this were a topic prior to my party, I would've defended her. But now Emily is something I did in my past.  "There are many reason I'm angry with you right now!"

"Ex... girlfriend!" I remind him.

"So what man! Why the hell are you here? Don't you have football things to worry about?" I swear I heard sniffles come from his face. "I didn't think you would've even accepted Mr. Shoop's offer considering how you ghosted me so fast!" His voiced was strained. And he turns around not wanting to face me any longer so that he couldn't face the truth of why he really didn't want me here.

I pause before saying what I was going to say. "I fucked up," I finally admit somberly, stopping Angel from organizing random things on the shelf again, in attempts to ignore me. Angel snaps his face around to face me, this time his eyes were red and filled with tears.

Amor Congelado: Frozen Love (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now