Turned Me On

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I couldn't believe what had just happened to me actually happened! That lady seriously attacked me! I contemplated telling people because she's Nicky's mother, but at the same time, ¡No permitiré que nadie me agreda!

I had just witnessed this woman attack someone because he wouldn't conform to her desires for her son, damage his car because he was trying to distance himself from the situation, and now she was attacking me for helping her son escape a toxic situation.

The only reason I didn't call the police was because they were already here. Two police cars pulled up close to where the Pastor stopped his car after the rock hit. Due to the screaming, people began to gather to see what the commotion was. Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if someone had called the cops before the man did, considering all the noise this woman made.

When Nicky's mom came out of the house, I honestly didn't know what to expect. Suddenly, she began screaming and blocking the man from getting into his vehicle. That's what started this whole ordeal.

This lady is fucking unhinged!

As I saw an officer in my side view mirror approaching, a sense of relief washed over me. But an additional sense of dread followed immediately after.

"Hey ma'am," the officer called out, indicating it was time for me to share my account of this chaotic night.

But should I really recount what this woman had just done to me? It's Nicky's mother for fuck's sake. And at this point, anything I'd say is threatening to go public and that will not end well for Nicky. She's already caused enough public embarrassment.

"Can we talk for a moment?" she asked softly when she reached the side of my car. "I assure you, you're not in any trouble."

I glanced at the other officer who was knocking on Nicky's door. "How did you get that nasty scrape?" She inquired, causing me to snap my head back to the first officer. She had noticed an injury on my elbow that I hadn't even realized was there, given the shock I was still in.

Dammit. Nicky's mother is definitely in deep shit!


A few weeks later...

"Okay, guys! It's almost time for the school Halloween festival! We've put in a lot of effort into our production for it, so let's make today a productive day," Mr. Shoop excitedly announces. The room fills with cheers as Los Robles' 10th annual Halloween celebration is just around the corner, only five days away.

It's been a rollercoaster of a year so far, to say the least. And we aren't even done with the first semester.

For one, I've been through my fair share of challenges. Me and Andrés have been locked in a never-ending series of arguments ever since he joined this program. And for some inexplicable reason, he seems to take pleasure in my discomfort, showing up here every single week. In fact, here he comes again.

Late, as always. Who the fuck does he think he is, just waltzing in and taking over the place I seek solace? I can't quite put my finger on why I'm so annoyed with him. I don't even know why he's upset with me. All I know is that I'm irritated!

My frustration peaks when he constantly shoots glances in my direction, like he's doing right now. And for some reason, he gives me a devious smile. I guess it's just payback, as I used to do the same thing to him all the time.

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