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Warning: Smut!!!! 🔞 All participating characters are of legal consent!


My God am I glad to be back here with my friends! Mexico City ain't half bad whenever I am actually having fun and living life. Dad is gone until the spring break, but I've got my friends, my trusty laptop for making music, more freedom with life and cash, and hey, there's a potential new dude in the picture.

Plus, I have Ricky to make sure whenever mom is at home at the same time as me, shit doesn't go to hell with her. Seriously, I'm super grateful for that because if I have to endure another moment alone with her, I might lose it. Don't get me wrong, Mom can be the worst, but I respect her too much to go all out on her physically. But goddamn that woman makes me want to punch her sometimes!

"Nicky!" Angel cut off me and Ricky's chat about winter break, yelling from next to his Jeep as he and Laura stood staring at me as I sat in the passenger seat of Ricky's Mercedes.

"Come on, man," Laura chimed in. "You're gonna make me die of hunger."

I kicked off my winter break with performing, and let me tell you, it was one wild ride. The biggest event however was Mom trying to crash our performances, getting caught, and got the boot.

She almost blew my cover too. Wonder why people are suspicious of me and Dad being related? Thanks, Mom, for showing up at one of my concerts without a ticket, screaming, "WHERE IS MY FAMILY..."

I rolled my eyes, Ricky chuckled. "Looks like your buddies are waiting for you over there." I shook my head at him, grabbing my phone and AirPods from his cup holder.

"Yeah, they are," I sighed, popping the door open. Grabbed my bag from the back seat and made my exit.

"Hurry up, bitch!" Laura shouts.

"I'm coming, you know I am, you slut," I shout back. Yeah, Laura and I throw those words around, but it's all in good fun—just our playful banter.

"See ya' at the house, Rick." We fist-bump through the open passenger window, and he shoots me his usual laid-back smirk. Seriously, Ricky's the chillest dude you'll ever meet. Might seem intimidating, but connect with him, and he'd go to Saturn and back for you.

I watch him drive off, then stroll over to my friends who are not-so-patiently waiting. "Took you long enough, Nicky," Laura quips as I pass them, heading into El Sabor. Smirking at their annoyed expressions, they follow me into the familiar rustic walls of the restaurant.

A gasp comes from Mr. Santos as we enter. "¿Dónde diablos han estado ustedes, niños?"

"HEY MR. SANTOS!" We all scream, locking eyes with the middle-aged but youthful man as he hurries over with open arms.

We grunt through the tight hug he manages to give all three of us. "Let me get y'all to a booth before it gets busy in here. The Christmas season was so busy, I thought Angelica and I were going to lose our heads," he says as we follow him to one of the booths.

"Speaking of her, when are we going to see Mrs. Santos again, by the way?" Laura asks, sitting next to me facing the exit, while Angel sits across from us.

Amor Congelado: Frozen Love (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now