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I am baffled. Does he already hate me? Nicky didn't return my smile! Not even a nod! Perhaps I misjudged him. Maybe he's not interested in me. Maybe he's not even gay!

Mateo.... Shut the hell up. You're not gay!

But hold on! Nicky actually went to the 8th-grade prom with another guy! Which I'm not gonna sugar coat, it stirred some emotions within me. But not enough to make me gay? Right? But the real question is, how can he not be gay? And why am I constantly thinking about him? I have Brook! I shouldn't be fixating on him like this.

It's so many things running through my mind everytime I see Nicky and his perfect smile! I can't stop myself. Ever since our conversation last year, I find myself unable to look away from him everyday. I gaze into those beautiful brown eyes in the hope that he'll return my gaze. The way his eyes brighten just my world, his plump lips curving into a smile that makes my heart flutter, and I feel a grin form on my face in return. And his mere presence drawing me closer and closer.

It's almost a blessing that I failed Mrs. Annie's class last year. Now, I get to see him nearly every day! But that's not enough. I want to be even closer to him somehow, some way. I can't explain why, I just... need it.

"Matéo!" Mrs. Annie's thunderous voice snaps me out of my deep thoughts. Her face filled with concern. I must've been lost in my thoughts about him. In fact, I haven't stopped thinking about him since yesterday man!

"Oh. Yes, Mrs.-"

"Class ended a minute ago. Were you daydreaming?" She questioned me as I began gathering my belongings. A slight smirk and squinted eyes indicated she found my lack of attention amusing. I struggled to find word adequate to respond, the thought of my struggle to figure out Nickolas still on my mind.

"Um, sort of! My apologies," I replied as I rose and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Well, since you're still here, I'd like to talk to you about something," Mrs. Annie said, walking up to my desk and handing me back my test I completed earlier in the class. "You did fairly well on your test, and it was only meant to gauge your reading level. However, I think it might be a good idea for you to team up with someone for the year and study together."

I glanced at the red 80 on the paper. I've always been content with things as long as they were a B or C. Being an athlete, my focus was primarily on football, not academics. Average was fine with me, as long as I excelled in the sport I loved.

"Who should I pair up with?" I inquire.

"I have someone in mind who I believe would be a good match for you," Mrs. Annie replied.


I set out to find Nicky. I'd been discreetly observing and keeping up with where he was for the past year, but he was nowhere to be seen. Ok yea, a little creepy. I'd this what it's like when girls and dudes fawn over me like I hear through the rumors.

Normally, he'd be out in the parking lot, but the bustling crowd of kids searching for their parents and the line of cars made it challenging to spot him.

"Hey there, babes," a girly high pitched voice comes from behind me as I continue my search. I feel bad for her because it wasn't the voice I wanted to hear right now. But it's the voice I needed to snap me out of whatever it was compelling me to find Nicky.

Amor Congelado: Frozen Love (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now