Chapter 28- Broken promise.

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"Imraan, she's such a selfish lady", Paree told her husband as they all sat in the living room, "she was pleading for you come to Javed bhai's house, now look", she raised her hands in the air as frustration took over her.

"Yes i was shocked to see phuppu in the ward", Raina accompanied her mother words,

Adam was quiet from the outside but his emotions were a mess. He was angry but had no idea on what angered him. Was it Umair? Was it his situation? Was it his helplessness? Was it his incomplete love?

"Arey that girl is on the bed, she's become so weak and on that they exchanged the rings", Paree expressed her anger, "she's come out of a deadly situation and these people-"

"Arey!!! I'm thinking what's wrong with Munira bhabhi", Imraan said,

"Leave Munira aunty, i dont understand why Imraan uncle is quiet", Raina told her father,

"Arey that Munira has silenced him. He isn't happy, didn't you see his reaction ?", she told her daughter.

"But why-", Raina cut Imraan's words,

"And you see your sister, shes so wicked that she didn't even care to inform you about it", Paree said rolling her eyes,

"Aarzu is a smart girl, i don't think she'll face any problems to find best guys. Munira will get a perfect man for her daughter, i don't know why she's desperate for Umair?", Imraan told as he looked at the ceiling,

"Can't believe Munira is impressed by that dirt bag Umair", Paree said rolling her eyes and slouching her face,

Adam left a soft sigh that brought Imraans attention to him,

"Adam?", his father called him,

He looked at his father with a straight face,

His father continued, "It's better you marry Soha by next month"

All of a sudden the two women looked at Imraan as Adam held a strong eye contact with his father.

"I spoke to him. You need to marry his daughter. He promised me that Soha wouldn't cause you any problems", Imraan continued,

Adam lowered his eyes as his lashes fought with each other trying to avoid the water collecting on the rim of his eyes.

He slightly nodded his head and moved back letting the back of his body touch the soft cushioned sofa.

The silence was cut by Raina as she said, "If this continues and both the women are equally desperate then Aarzu's Nikaah will be held in the hospital",

Pareesima laughed and her eyes fell on Adam. He had shut his eyes, his hands were crossed at his abdomen. He seemed collected but restless at the same time.

'Ya Allah! Ease my son's difficulties', Paree prayed.

Adam's phone buzzed for a 100th time. He didn't answer the call as he was asleep. Normally, Adam wouldn't sleep at this hour during the evening but upon hearing his father's wish to get married to Soha by the end of the month, he needed an escape from reality. Those few minutes of deep sleep was what he needed.

The phone vibrated again. Adam showed zero signs of waking up. He was on the white hard floor that was plastered with marble designs. He crawled on it, bringing his knees towards his stomach as the cold air made the atmosphere dense and moist. There was no rug or mattress to insulate his body. Nor did he put on any sheet or blanket on his tense figure for warmth.

He believed that he caused Aarzu pain. Pain that she wouldn't be able to share with anyone. The kind of pain that needed healing but there was no one to heal her. The one she thought was her healer had already betrayed her in the worst way.

Adam swore on God; when Aarzu didn't find his bed comforting. The sole reason he burnt the bed was because she would never sleep on it.
"There's no need for the bed, if she doesn't sleep well on this", he screamed at himself.
He was punishing himself by sleeping on the floor ever since that day.


"Hello, Hanif?", Imraan spoke through his phone, "why did you call me ?"

"Sir ji, i was calling Adam baba but he isn't picking up"

"Yeah, he must be sleeping, he was tired", he stood from the chair and started walking towards his son's room. "What happened Hanif?"

"Sir ji, Adam told me to buy a sheep for sadqah-"

Imraan looked confused and interrupted the man's sentence, "sadqah? Kiske liye? Adam said?"

"Yes sir!"

"It was for himself?"

"No no! It was for a girl-"


"No sir! It was Aarzu Fathima"

"Aarzu?", he was now standing outside his sons room. His confusion made his voice louder as he called her name. The name reached Adam's ears. He slowly opened his eyes as if seeking relief. He moved his head around his room soaking awareness of his surroundings. His father's conversation caught his attention.

"I've given the sadqah, he told me to send the picture. I sent it 2 hours back and called him but he wasn't recieving", Hanif complained, on not getting any reply he continued "I've distributed the meat to the deserving, i just wanted to inform him. I thought there was some problem with his phone, so i decided to call you."

"Ah! You did a good thing! Jazakallah! I'll make sure to tell him", Imraan said as he hung up his phone.

He entered Adams room as he sat on the floor rubbing his eyes and face in order to drive away the sleepiness.

"Adam?", he called out and his son looked at his way, "you told Hanif to buy sheep?"

Adam simply nodded his head,

"Did Javed tell you to give Aarzu's sadqah?",

Adam denied and motioned a 'No' movement,

"Then? Why did you do it?"

Adam looked directly into his father's eyes. "She's our family dad"

Imraan sat next to his son, "Look son, i understand that she's one of the people that you care about but you need to stop." He placed his hand around Adam's shoulder, "Soha wouldn't like this"

Soha. 'I hate her name. I hate any conversation about her', he thought,

"You think of Aarzu as your sister but people might not think the same", Imraan continued,

'Is he serious? Aarzu? My sister? LOL', he told himself,

"Look Adam your kindness would be mistaken in the future. You're getting married in few weeks or months and i don't want any stunts like these to happen again. Soha shouldn't get hurt, keep that in mind. I hope this is the last act of kindness you show towards your sister's bestfriend. You're a man, your actions towards her will seem wrong", he tried to explain to him.

Adam nodded his head but he obviously wouldn't do anything his father said. He loves his sister's bestfriend, his father just doesn't know about it. He's going to go overboard with everything regarding Aarzu. Everything for her pours down from his heart. She's the only woman that gives him this feeling. He'll do everything for her even if it would hurt Soha.

"I'll be heading out dad", he told his father,

"Okay!" Imraan said and gave a peck of his forehead. He just wanted things to work out for his son. But his son had other plans.

End of chapter 28.
Ufff Adam is the standard.
I hope he gets his love.
I really wish things workout for them but we never know hehehehehe.

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