Chapter 19- His surname.

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"Sure, but i want Imraan to know about this", Javed told Rafia who sat on the couch,

"Okay bhai saab, since you're forcing-"

"I'm not forcing, Imraan is like a brother to me, if you cant tell him, then i will", Javed said not letting Rafia complete her sentence,

Watching Javed's arrogance, Munira said, "It's fine Rafia, let it be like this"

Rafia nodded her head in agreement. She knew that if she wanted Aarzu as her bahu, she had to withstand Javeds strictness. She mentally prepared herself to face the consequences of announcing Umair's engagement with Aarzu.

"But before that, i need Aarzu's consent", Javed told,

'Aarzu's consent?? What if she doesn't agree?', Rafia thought,

"But javed-", Munira stopped mid sentence,

"Munira- that's my daughter too", He said bringing forward his hand.

Rafia looked at Munira who was as anxious as she was. " can ask her but only in Paree bhabhis house", She told her husband.

Javed looked at her for a minute and nodded his head in acceptance.

"Oh then here, take this sweet", Rafia said feeding kaju katli to Munira who smiled and hugged her,

"We're a family now", Rafia added,

"When is your son coming?", Javed asked,

"Umair will come tomorrow along with his dad, i have to inform Arbina too",

"Oh yes...your daughter", Munira replied,

"She's pregnant with her first child, she might not be able to work more"

"Oh yes! She needs to rest"

Javed wasn't happy about this. He wasn't ready to get Aarzu married to Umair. He might be a good guy but he wasn't sure if he deserved Aarzu. But what could a man do when his wife orders. He had accept Munira's words and hold his heart in its place. She might be right too, after all she's the mother.


'Why isn't she picking her calls', Aarzu thought while dialing Raina's number for the fifth time,

"Ugh this girl, why doesn't she throw her phone away", she angrily said to herself,

She looked around in her room. Luna was peacefully sleeping on her bed. The fresh flowers added to the atmosphere of the room and her eyes fell of the lavender candles that were kept on the side table.

She walked towards it and lit them up. The smell of lavenders filled her room in not more than a minute. A soft happy smile spread across her face. She suddenly wanted to write her journal.

She picked up her journal that was decorated with purple beads and glitter. She opened a fresh page, made place for herself on the study table and started filling her book,

'Dear journal,
I know it's been a long time since I've written a happy news...oh's not long time....ever since Adam told me he loved me...everyday of mine is happy. He is now planning to marry me too. I see future in his eyes, i see my image in his eyes. I get so happy when i realize that he looks with love only at me. I wish i give him the kind of peace he gives me. I wish nothing comes between us. I want us to be together here and in here after. He is everything i could ever ask for.

Raina is getting married next month, i guess. But i dont know, since a week she's been acting differently and hence i don't have any idea about her wedding. But for a fact i know that I'll be a bridesmaid.

Ammi hugged me yesterday. She finally spoke....she remembered. She remembered me. All of my pain seemed to vanish. I felt so better. I felt so happy. I felt so free.

Laibah isn't rude with me anymore. She even spoke to me kindly when she was alone at home. I mean there was some other girl too but i meant her family members.
Everything has fallen at its place. The puzzle finally looks like its been solved.

Dear diary, i haven't felt this good in a long long long time....i feel so nice...ive been surrounded only by happiness and nothing else....and to me..its all like a dream....and if it is a dream...i hope i never wake up.....this is one of the most beautiful dreams i could ever ask for

With love,

She closed her book and placed it back on the shelf. She felt free. She felt like a bird that finally escaped the cage. She felt like a candle that stopped burning for others. She felt like the flower that wasn't crumbled anymore.

With a huge smile on her face she went back to her bed. Moving few clothes that were kept, she found her way into the sheets. Luna snuggled in her arms when she laid down to rest.

The smell of lavenders still filled the aroma of her room even after she put the candle off. Her brain could only picture one face- Adam.

His face was visible to Aarzu on the ceiling. It was as if he was looking at her, teasing her and telling her how much he loves her.

A soft smile appeared on her pink lips again, she stroked Lunas stomach as she purred into her chest.

'Adam. Adam Ali Khan. Anabiya Aarzu Khan? Will i change my surname...', She smiled and started singing and humming a song with Adam's face right in front of her eyes,
'Yeh dil tum bin kahin..lagta nahi..hum kya karein?
Tasavvur mein koi basta nahi...hum kya karein?
Tumhi keh do ab aye jaan e wafa hum kya karein?'

(My heart doesn't fall at peace without you, what can i do?
Nobody fits the frame except you, what can i do?
Oh tell me my love, what can i do?)

End of chapter 19

Oh're so in love girl...
Thankyou for reading!!!

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