Chapter 11: uʍop ǝpᴉsd∩ ǝɥʇ uᴉ sɐɯʇsᴉɹɥƆ ǝʇɐɹqǝlǝƆ oʇ ʍoH

Start from the beginning

Vecna: (Thinking) I will admit he has gotten stronger. Those two new moves he used definitely caught me by surprise. I just need some time to regain my strength as my tentacles are burned and need to recover. I would like to call master, but I told him I could handle this.

Zero: You thinking about your master?

He turns to see you next to him catching him off guard as he goes to jump back as you slash his stomach. It makes a cut across it but it wasn't gonna leave a scar and was something that would heal up soon. But it was enough to draw some blood.

Zero: A little too shallow but it's something.

Vecna: GRR!

He holds his hand over the wound as he closes his eyes and the wound stops bleeding.

Zero: Oh! (Thinking) Maybe I can do that with my psychic powers. I'll need to test that when I can.

You then feel yourself in the air as if your being dragged and see Vecna with his other hand out as he sends you through the floating ground and into a house.

Kinda like this:

You get up and see your in someone's home. Luckily not one of your friend's houses. Sure what happens in the Upside Down doesn't really affect anything in the right side up so if you messed up Mike's house here it wouldn't affect his house in the right side up but you just wanted to keep it nice and undamaged.


We now see someone in the same house you are in the Upside Down. A container falls over.

Random Woman 8659: Oh! What was that.


Random Woman 8659: Damn rats. I though my husband called the exterminator to get rid of them.


You get up and shake off the dust look at your reflection in your sword as it shows some dirt and mud with some scratches on your face.

Zero: Nothing that won't heal.

Vecna: But this won't.

Vecna appears behind you as you go to launch fire at him, but he uses his psychic powers to launch you at the same time sending you out of the building as you manage to singe Vecna.

You land and place your hand on your side and remove it to see blood.

Zero: Damn.

Vecna: That looks bad.

Vecna walks out of the house as his tentacles come out of his back and he gains a smirk.

Vecna: That's more damage than you did to me.

Zero: I'll be sure to return it tenfold.

Vecna: Come!

You charge at him as he launches his vines to whip you as you use your sword to cut them but with how many are coming at you, you can only parry and basically deal chip damage.

Zero: Damnit!

Vecna: Give up!

Zero: Never!

You have electricity course through you as you pick up the pace and start to overwhelm him.

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