"Who doesn't need anybody's help," Angela finishes for Talia and Mirana watches with an amused smile.

"Are you two finished?

"Nope. Smile. Get in here Cabrera,"

Mirana crams herself between Talia and Angela behind Tim's wheelchair as the nurse stands on her tiptoes behind Mirana.

"I hate you all,"


Mirana walks into Sergeant Grey's office, sitting in the chair in front of the desk as Grey watches her.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Mirana nods. "I've been cleared for physical duty so I can get back to my training"

"You've been assigned to George Watson for the time being because as you know Officer Bradford isn't cleared to return to duty yet,"

"Yes sir,"

"He's already in your shop," Grey says.

"Anything important I need to know for the day sir?" Mirana asks.

"No, just be safe out there,"

"Yes sir," Mirana nods before exiting the office.

Mirana enters the garage to find a man sitting in the car, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. She opens the passenger side door and climbs in.

"I'm George," The man smiles at her.


"I know all about you," George says. "Rockstar rookie who saved her T.O. in her first week. Dealing with massive firepower and yet still kept her head"

"I was just trying to keep myself and Officer Bradford alive," Mirana says.

"Well, I couldn't tell you how ecstatic I was to find out you'd been assigned to me until Officer Bradford returns,"

"Ecstatic is a strong word," Mirana says.

"It's not every day I get a rookie who's not only competent but also gorgeous," George flirts and Mirana nods awkwardly.

Mirana sits silently in the passenger seat, George's attempt at small talk starting to irritate her. She's accustomed to her fair share of attention, but there's something about George's approach that makes her uneasy.

As they pull out of the garage, George continues his attempts, seemingly unfazed by Mirana's reserved responses.

"So, Mirana, tell me about yourself. What's your story?"

"Just trying to do my job," Mirana replies, her eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Come on, there's gotta be more to it than that," George presses, leaning back in his seat.

"Not really," Mirana replies.

"Why become a police officer?" George asks. "A woman like you could have been a movie star"

"I don't like a lot of attention," Mirana shrugs.

"Well you should blame your parents for that," George says. "They gave you attention-drawing genes"

"I'll do that," Mirana says sarcastically.

"Not a talker huh?" George asks.


"It's fine, I prefer my women to be noisier in other contexts,"

"Para el coche!" Mirana snaps, not realising she had slipped into her mother tongue.


"Stop the car!"


"I'm going to go and get myself some food, you do whatever. Go home for half an hour, I don't care," Mirana shakes her head.

George slams on the brakes and Mirana climbs out of the car, slamming the door closed before walking over to the small cafe on the street corner.

"Hi, a caramel latte please," Mirana says.

"Anything to eat?" The man behind the till asks.

"Do you stock any kinds of nuts in here?" Mirana asks.

"You got an allergy?"

"Yeah," Mirana nods.

"Almost everything except a few of the cakes are nut-free,"

"I'll have a portion of fries please," Mirana says and the man nods.

He holds out the card machine and Mirana punches the numbers into the machine before it beeps, signalling the payment was successful.

"Just take a seat and I'll bring your food over,"

Mirana slides into one of the booths, placing her radio on the table as she lets out a sigh.

"That bad huh?"

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Mirana asks.

"Why are you here on your own?" Tim counters.

"Because there's only so much sleazebag I can take in half an hour," Mirana says, thanking the waiter when he brings her coffee and fries. "He's asqueroso"

"Missing me already?"

"When I think about punching you, I don't," Mirana says. "With him I might actually do it"

"What's he said?" Tim asks, swiping one of the fries.

"The typical spiel of sleazy men," Mirana rolls her eyes. "I should have been a movie star, my parents gave me attention-drawing genes. Oh and my personal favourite, it doesn't matter that I'm quiet because he prefers his women to be loud in other contexts"

"All of that in half an hour?" Tim raises his eyebrows.

"Yep," Mirana nods. "I considered just yanking the steering wheel to put me out of my misery"

"Wilshire units, store owner called with suspected shoplifter. Caucasian male, yellow track suit. 314 Franklin Drive"

"Fuck," Mirana hisses, grabbing her radio. "7-Adam-13 responding on foot"

"Run!" Tim shouts after her only to receive a middle finger in response.

Mirana sprints down the street, ducking and weaving through the crowds of people as her eyes lock on a man in a yellow tracksuit.

As she approaches the suspect, she reaches for her radio. "7-Adam-13, I've visual on the suspect. Franklin Drive, heading south on foot."

"7-Adam-13, backup en route,"

"Hey, stop! Police!" Mirana shouts.

As Mirana swiftly approaches the man, she prepares herself to tackle him to the ground. In one swift motion, she lunges forward and tackles him to the ground.

Mirana grabs hold of his wrists, her fingers tightening around them like a vice. She pulls out her cuffs and secures them around his wrists.

"You're under arrest,"

"Do your thing, pretty girl,"

"Do not call me that,"

FINE LINE - T. BRADFORDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora