The Council's Turmoil

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The members of the Vampire Council were in a heated argument, voices raised as accusations flew back and forth. Tunde was at the center of the controversy, with councilman Talbot and others accusing him of conducting unauthorised investigations and disregarding the council's authority. Tunde, in turn, accused Talbot of hiding the existence of Petrov's experiments from the rest of the council.

"You have no right to launch investigations on your own!" Talbot yelled, his face red with anger. "You are only a member of this council, not its leader!"

"I have every right to investigate when the safety of our kind is at stake!" Tunde countered, his voice equally as loud. "And if you had shared the information about Petrov's experiments, we could have stopped him before he caused so much damage!"

The council room was filled with various other council members, each with their own distinct personalities and opinions. There was councilwoman Granger, a strict and uptight vampire who always followed the rules to the letter. Then there was councilman Ramirez, a charismatic vampire with a flair for the dramatic. He often used his charm to sway the council in his favor.

Next to him sat councilman Cheng, a stoic and reserved vampire who rarely spoke but always seemed to have a clever plan up his sleeve. Across from him was councilwoman Daley, a fiery and impulsive vampire who was quick to jump into action without thinking things through.

As the argument continued, it became clear that the council was more divided than ever before. Each member had their own agenda and was unwilling to compromise, leaving Tunde and Talbot at the center of the conflict. Meanwhile, the rest of the council members watched on, unsure of what to do next.

Granger slammed his hand on the table, causing the room to quiet down for a moment. "What in the world are you two fighting about?" He asked, looking between Talbot and Tunde. "We are the council, we are supposed to work together, not against each other."

"Tunde has been conducting unauthorized investigations," Talbot pointed out. "He went against council protocol and now, there's a rogue vampire on the loose."

"And who's fault is that?" Tunde countered. "You've been hiding Petrov's experiments from the rest of us. If I had known about them, I would have stopped it before it got out of hand."

Ramirez crossed her arms. "This is not the time for pointing fingers. We need to focus on finding Petrov and stopping him before he causes more harm."

Cheng nodded in agreement. "We need to work together. There's no time for bickering."

Daley raised a brow. "Agreed. Petrov is a threat to our entire species. We need to take him out before he exposes us to the humans."

Talbot sighed and leaned back in his seat. "Fine. I'll work with Tunde to track down Petrov. But, we need to stick to council protocol from here on out. No more rogue investigations."

Tunde nodded reluctantly. "Agreed."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let us not forget the purpose of this meeting. We must address the matter of the hybrid that Petrov has created," Aleksei said, his stern gaze settling on each council member.

There was a pause as everyone in the room turned to face Aleksei. Councilman Talbot sneered, "What about that abomination? It's just a human with a bit of vampire blood."

Councilwoman Granger disagreed, "That's not the case at all. The hybrid has already shown remarkable abilities, more so than any of us could have predicted."

Councilman Ramirez added, "And what if the humans find out about this hybrid? We can't risk exposure, we need to eliminate the threat."

Councilman Cheng chimed in, "Elimination is not the answer. We need to study this hybrid, see what we can learn from it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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