The Restaurant

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Nikolai and Tunde stood in a mortuarary as Adamas held up a habit as he said goodbye to his old friend, Miguel. Staring on with sombreness in his eyes at his lifeless corpse. Anastasia enters the room and informs the group that Dmitri was in fact still alive but in bad condition and that they were not sure if he'd pull through. Nikolai asks Tunde why Petrov wants to meet with him but Tunde merely went on to reiterate that they could not trust anything that came out of the old man's mouth.

Nikolai nods in agreement as he looks at Miguel's body, a pang of guilt hitting him as he thinks about the past, about all the battles and bloodshed that have led them to this moment. Tunde places a hand on his shoulder, breaking him out of his reverie. "Petrov's motivations are always shrouded in mystery, but we must be careful," Tunde says, his voice low and serious. "We cannot afford to make any mistakes."

Nikolai nods again, his mind racing with thoughts as he considers their options. "What if we refuse to meet with him?" he asks, his eyes narrowing as he thinks through the consequences.

Tunde shook his head, his expression serious. "Petrov is not someone to be trifled with. Refusing to meet with him would only make things worse. We need to hear what he has to say, no matter how distasteful it may be."

Anastasia nods in agreement, her eyes fixed on Nikolai. "Tunde is right. Petrov has far-reaching connections, and if he wants to meet with us, there must be a reason. We cannot ignore him."

Nikolai takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of their words. He knows that they're right, and he can't ignore Petrov's request. He gives a single nod, his mind made up. "Okay," he says, his voice firm. "We'll go. But we must be careful, who knows what that old man has up his sleeves."

Adamas makes a call and secures them a vehicle for their dinner. The car ride to the meeting location was tense and filled with unspoken thoughts and concerns. Nikolai was the first to break the silence, his deep voice cutting through the air. "It's been a long time since I've been in the United States," he said, looking out the window at the passing cityscape. "Nearly one hundred and eighty years to be exact."

Tunde, who was sitting next to him, let out a quiet sigh. "It all started here for me," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I was sired by Petrov and now, here we are."

Anastasia, who was driving, shot a glance at Adamas in the back seat. "Adamas, please remain calm," she said softly. "We've communicated with our allies in the states and they'll be meeting us at the location to finally take Petrov down."

The mood was heavy and tense as they continued on towards their meeting with Petrov. The unknown factors and uncertainty of what was to come weighed on all of their minds, but they all knew that they had to be prepared for anything.

Adamas asks Tunde if he still remembers the day that he met him and Miguel. Tunde puts a hand on Adamas' shoulder, offering a small squeeze of comfort. "We'll make it right, my friend. We'll take down Petrov and free the vampire community from his control. And then, maybe, we can finally find peace."

Anastasia nods, determination in her eyes. "We'll do this together, as a family. We won't let Petrov win."

As the car pulls up to the restaurant, the four vampires steel themselves for what is to come. They enter the building, ready for the fight of their lives. The atmosphere in the restaurant was tense as Tunde and the others approached the table where Petrov, John, and Eveline were waiting. Petrov greeted Tunde with a smirk, as if he was relishing in the power dynamic between them.

Tunde took a seat across from Petrov, with Nikolai sitting on his left and Anastasia on his right. They were surrounded by a group of vampires and hunters, both sides ready for anything.

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