The Hunger

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Elizaveta grumbled as she walked alongside Anthony and Rob on their first day of university. "I can't believe I'm back in school after all these centuries," she muttered, as they made their way through the crowded campus.

Anthony, who had been blushing the entire time, turned to her with a grin. "I'm just glad you're here with me," he said, taking her hand in his.

Rob, meanwhile, was busy hitting on any girl that caught his eye, much to Elizaveta's annoyance. "Can you please focus on something other than girls for once?" she said, rolling her eyes.

"What? I can't help it if I'm a ladies' man," Rob replied with a grin.

As they made their way to their first class, Elizaveta couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She couldn't shake off the memory of John's call and his taunts about her devouring his son. She knew she needed to be extra careful, for Anthony's sake.

As they settled into their seats, Elizaveta couldn't help but feel out of place amongst the young and fresh-faced students. She couldn't help but think about how much life they had ahead of them and how much she had already lived and lost. She couldn't help but wonder if this was a mistake, but she knew she couldn't back down now. Not when it came to Anthony's safety.

The professor began the lecture, but Elizaveta couldn't focus, her mind was preoccupied with the events of the past few days. She couldn't shake off the feeling that John was always one step ahead and she needed to be extra vigilant. She knew she had to find a way to outsmart him, before it was too late.

The lecture hall was filled with students, all eager to learn about the intricacies of animal behavior. Elizaveta sat in the back, grumbling to herself about how she never thought she'd have to attend university again, especially not after centuries of being alive. Anthony, on the other hand, sat next to her, blushing the whole time and occasionally sneaking glances at her. Rob sat on the other side of Anthony, hitting on girls and cracking jokes.

The lecturer began to talk about how certain animal species have life mates, and how they are often fiercely protective of each other. Elizaveta looked at Anthony, who was enthralled by the topic, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Rob, on the other hand, leaned over and whispered to Anthony, "Being me, I could probably have more than one life mate."

The lecture continued, but Elizaveta couldn't focus. She couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach ever since her conversation with John. She knew he had something planned, and she didn't like it. She couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, and that made her uneasy. She glanced around the lecture hall, trying to see if anyone seemed out of place, but everyone seemed normal. She shook her head, trying to shake off her paranoia. She knew she had to stay focused and protect Anthony and Rob, no matter what.

The day goes on as normal and Rob goes to football practice after class while Anthony goes to the library to catch up on a bit of reading.

Elizaveta struggles with the decision, not wanting to leave either of them alone. She ultimately decides to follow Anthony to the library, keeping a watchful eye on him. She finds a secluded spot to sit and observe him as he studies, feeling a mix of emotions - love, protectiveness, and guilt for not being able to fully protect him from his father's manipulations. She can't help but wonder if it would be better for Anthony if she wasn't in his life.

Although she quickly checks herself on that opinion, reminding herself that running from Nikolai is exactly what got her into this mess. Or did he run away from her? Elizaveta reflects on how she let her fear control her actions and led her to make the mistake of running away, feeling guilty for involving Anthony and Rob in her troubles. She makes a decision to face her problems head on and not let fear dictate her actions anymore.

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