The Farmer's Clue

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The scene opens up with Miguel standing guard outside a small, rundown apartment. Inside, the girl who had been dressed in Elizaveta's clothing, now known as Sarah, sits nervously on the edge of her bed. Miguel watches her through the window, his expression cold and unfeeling.

Sarah clutches a photo of her family, tears streaming down her face. She had been promised a better life, a way out of her poverty-stricken existence, but now she was trapped in this small room, a pawn in a game she didn't understand.

Miguel's thoughts drift to the conversation he had with Tunde, the councilman who had brought him and Adamas into the investigation. Tunde had assured him that Sarah would be well taken care of, that she would be given a new identity and a fresh start. But Miguel can't shake the feeling of disgust at the way Sarah had been used and manipulated.

He thinks back to his own past, to the years he had spent living on the streets before being taken in by the vampire council. He had been just like Sarah, desperate for a way out, willing to do anything for a chance at a better life.

Miguel glances at his watch, counting down the minutes until Adamas returns with the council's report on the Albescus' wipe out, and the possibility of a new enemy. He can't shake off the feeling that they're running out of time and that the council's plans might not be as noble as they seem.

Miguel gets annoyed at Sarah crying and decides to kill time by revealing himself. He walks into the room where Sarah is being held and sits down next to her. She looks up at him with fear in her eyes, but he just smiles and introduces himself. "My name is Miguel," he says, "and I'm here to keep you company." Sarah starts to cry harder and Miguel rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on now," he says, "don't be like that. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to keep an eye on you." He leans back in his chair and crosses his legs, studying her. "So, what's your name?" he asks. "Sarah," she whispers. "Well, Sarah," Miguel says, "let's pass the time by getting to know each other, shall we?" He starts to ask her questions, trying to get information out of her.

Sarah explains she's just an ordinary girl who was kidnapped. She tells Miguel that she was just a college student, minding her own business when she was taken by a group of men. They kept her drugged and under constant surveillance, making her wear Elizaveta's clothes and forcing her to act like her. Sarah tells Miguel that she has no idea why they wanted her to impersonate Elizaveta, but she knows that they were planning something big. Miguel listens patiently, but he can't shake off the feeling that there is more to her story than she is letting on. He makes a mental note to keep an eye on her and find out who is behind this.

Just then the front door creaked open as Nikolai, Dmitri and Adamas returned with some food. They find Miguel sitting in the corner, Sarah cowering in fear beside him. Nikolai immediately steps in front of her, shielding her from Miguel's gaze. "What the hell are you doing?" Nikolai growls, his eyes locked onto Miguel.

Miguel shrugs, a smirk on his face. "Just getting to know our little decoy here," he says, gesturing to Sarah. "She's been telling me all about her kidnapping, it's quite the interesting story."

Dmitri steps forward, a look of disgust on his face. "You have no right to be talking to her like that. She's a victim, not a pawn in your sick game."

Adamas nods, "He's right, Miguel. Leave her alone."

Miguel rolls his eyes, "Fine, fine. I'll leave her alone. But don't think I've forgotten about our mission. We need to find out who's behind this Sun Breath and why they're experimenting on vampires. And we need to do it fast, before more families meet the same fate as the Albescus."

As the group begins to strategize, Sarah begins to cry softly in the background. Nikolai glances over at her, his heart heavy with guilt for not being able to protect her from the dangers of the vampire world.

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