The Errand

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Elizaveta wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of Anthony and Rob getting ready for the day. She stretches her limbs and glances around the apartment, taking note of the small details that make it feel like home. She sees Anthony in the kitchen, making breakfast and chatting with Rob, who was obviously in a hurry to leave for his class.

She rubs her eyes, trying to shake off the grogginess of sleep. She watches as Anthony pours her a cup of coffee and brings it over to her. He smiles at her and says, "Good morning, sleepyhead. How'd you sleep?"

Elizaveta takes the cup from him and takes a sip, savoring the rich taste. She smiles back at him and says, "I slept well, thank you. How about you?"

Anthony shrugs and says, "I had a lot on my mind, but I managed to get some rest. Rob, on the other hand, is always up early and ready to go."

Rob laughs and says, "Hey, can't let the day pass me by. Gotta make the most of it."

Elizaveta watches as the two of them finish getting ready, putting on their jackets and grabbing their bags. She can't help but feel a twinge of sadness as they leave, knowing that she'll be alone in the apartment once again. But she quickly shakes it off, determined to make the most of her day.

As the door closes behind them, Elizaveta takes another sip of her coffee and makes a plan for the day. She knows that she can't just sit around and wait for things to happen. She needs to take action and find out who is behind her capture and why. And she knows just where to start.

With renewed determination, Elizaveta finishes her coffee and gets dressed, ready to take on whatever the day throws at her.

As Anthony and Rob head out the door, Elizaveta is left alone in the apartment. She begins to explore, trying to find out more about Anthony. She starts with his room, looking through his drawers and bookshelf. She finds nothing too revealing, just some textbooks and a few personal trinkets. She moves on to the living room, searching through the couch cushions and the coffee table. Still, she finds nothing of interest.

Feeling a bit frustrated, she decides to make herself something to eat. As she rummages through the fridge and cabinets, she finds a piece of paper with a list of errands written on it. Anthony and Rob must have left it there for her. She reads through the list - pick up groceries, buy some new clothes, get a haircut. Elizaveta sighs, feeling a bit bored already. But she decides to make the best of it and sets out to complete the errands.

As she walks through the streets, she can't help but think about Anthony and Rob. She wonders what they're like in class, if they have any friends, if they're happy. She starts to feel a bit guilty for being so suspicious of them. After all, they had been nothing but kind to her since she woke up in their apartment.

As she finishes the errands and heads back home, she decides to put her suspicions aside and enjoy her time with Anthony and Rob. She knows that she can't stay with them forever, but for now, she's grateful for their company and their help. She knows that she needs to find out who put a hit on her, but she also knows that she needs to take care of herself and her well-being too.

Along the way she hears a faint wimpering sound. She looks around sees nothing but as she stares back down at the sidewalk, she notices a small trail of blood leading into the alleyway. She walks over to find an injured dog. The sight of the poor creature made her lips quiver but her fangs, oh her fangs screamed. Tthe smell of blood tempts her.

She struggles with her hunger, trying to resist the urge to feed on the dog. Althugh vampires could eat human food, the taste was revolting and presented little nutrients to a being such as herself. She had tried to eat the food that Anthony presented her without complaint to not scare him, but her hunger, her hunger was growing.

She looked around to see if anyone is watching before quickly bending down to help the injured animal. She searches for any signs of a vet or a clinic nearby, finally finding one a few streets away. She carries the dog there, trying her best to keep the animal calm and comfortable. She is relieved when the vet takes the dog from her, promising to do everything in their power to save it. Elizaveta leaves the clinic, feeling guilty for almost giving in to her hunger and promising herself to be more in control of her cravings in the future.

On her way out she could feel it. Her fangs still ached. Elizaveta could feel the hunger taking over. She had to find something to feast opun, even if it was just animal blood, she had to feed. She weakly walked she walks out the clinic she bumps into a man who apologizes but she catches a look of his name tag and lo and behold it was the man the dealer told her about. There was no question about it.

Her feeding would have to wait. "Bastard.", she muttered as the man walked up to the hospital checkout There was something that she didn't get though, what was the man doing here? The clinic the dealer had told her about was downtown, almost right at the other side of town.

"What are you doing here?", she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She saw him checkout a small dog. It was a Maltese. He stood there a bit before he left, though he did talk to someone on the phone before that.

Elizaveta follows the man discreetly, trying to gather more information about him and his involvement in her capture. She watches as he enters a building and meets with other shady characters, her blood boils as she realizes this is the group responsible for her suffering. She debates whether to confront them or gather more information before taking action.

As the group of individuals sit in a dimly lit room, they discuss the recent developments of their project "Daywalker." One of the members brings up how the decoy they had planted, dressed in Elizaveta's clothing, had successfully thrown the vampire council off their trail.

"The council is still searching for her, they have no idea she's escaped," one of the members says with a smirk.

Another member chimes in, "And that little stunt with the Sun Breath in the hospital blood samples? Genius."

The group laughs and congratulates each other on a job well done.

"But we can't let our guard down yet," the leader of the group warns. "We still have to deal with the vampire hunter association and the council's suspicions. We need to keep pushing forward with the Daywalker project."

The group nods in agreement, their faces set in determination as they continue to discuss their plans. They know that it won't be easy, but they're willing to do whatever it takes to see their project through to the end.

Elizaveta is shocked by what she just and accidently knocks over a can causing one of the men to check it out.

He notices her and she quickly runs out of the building, with the man chasing after her. She's able to lose him in the busy streets but she's left shaken and unsure of what to do next. She realizes that she needs to tell Anthony and the others about what she's learned, but she's unsure if they'll believe her. She makes her way back to the apartment, her mind racing with thoughts of what to do next.

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