The Blood Vials

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As Anastasia called Dmitri, the group of vampires continued on their mission to rescue Elizaveta. Nikolai drove the truck, his jaw set in determination as he navigated the city streets.

The rest of the group sat silently, each lost in their thoughts. Anastasia couldn't shake off the guilt as she thought about her decision to call Dmitri. She knew she had done it for the greater good but couldn't help but feel like she had betrayed Nikolai.

As they neared their destination, a large, imposing building in the city's industrial district, Nikolai pulled the truck to a stop. He turned to the group and said, "We're here. Be ready for anything."

The group stepped out of the truck, scanning the area for any sign of danger. As they approached the building, the doors suddenly swung open, and a group of vampires, led by Dmitri, stepped out.

"What are you doing here?" Nikolai demanded, his tone cold.

Dmitri's lips curved into a smirk. "I received a call from Anastasia informing me of your little mission. The council has decided to take matters into our own hands."

Nikolai's eyes narrowed. "You had no right to interfere."

Dmitri shrugged. "The council's decision is final. Elizaveta is to be punished for her actions, and we will not let her bring shame to our community any longer."

"I won't let you hurt her," Nikolai repeated, his voice firm.

Dmitri's expression hardened. "You're outnumbered, Nikolai. You have no choice in this matter."

But Nikolai refused to be intimidated. He had always been the one to defend Elizaveta, and he wouldn't stop now. "I'll fight for her," he declared, his eyes locked on Dmitri's.

The council members looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They had never seen Nikolai so determined, so willing to fight for a vampire like Elizaveta.

Anastasia stepped forward, her voice calm and measured. "Nikolai is right. We cannot just punish Elizaveta without giving her a chance to defend herself."

Dmitri's expression softened as he realized that Anastasia's words made sense. "Fine," he said, his voice resigned. "But she will be judged by the council, and her fate will be decided by them."

Nikolai nodded, his expression resolute. "I understand. But I won't let you hurt her."

As the group prepared to enter the building, Dmitri blocked Anastasia's path. "Not so fast," he said, his tone cold. "I need to know where your loyalties lie."

Anastasia looked at him, her expression steady. "My loyalty is to the vampire community, as it always has been. I called you because I thought it was the best decision for our people. But that doesn't mean I agree with the council's decision to punish Elizaveta without giving her a chance to defend herself."

Dmitri's expression softened as he considered her words. "I see," he said, his tone thoughtful. "But I must know that you won't betray the council."

Anastasia met his gaze, her expression resolute. "I won't betray the council. But I also won't stand by and watch as an innocent vampire is punished without a fair trial."

Dmitri nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Very well," he said, stepping aside to let Anastasia pass. "But remember, the council's decision is final."

And with that, the group of vampires entered the building, ready to face whatever lay ahead in the defense of Elizaveta.

As they drove back to the vampire's lair, Anastasia couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. She couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched, that they were being followed. She kept glancing out the window, scanning the darkness for any movement.

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