Her Choice

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Elizaveta was terrified. She had never been confronted by a vampire like Miguel before, and the thought of what the council would do to Rob and Anthony, especially Anthony who seemed to be at the center of this, was too much to bear. She knew she needed to get answers, and fast.

She quickly got dressed and left her apartment, making her way to the only person she knew who might have information: the blood dealer. She had heard rumors of him being connected to the council, and she hoped he could tell her what was going on.

As she walked through the dark streets, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. She kept her hand on the stake hidden in her coat, just in case. When she finally reached the blood dealer's location, she hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door.

The dealer sits in his dimly lit office, surrounded by stacks of blood packs and bottles of rare blood. Elizaveta enters, her eyes wide with fear and her mind racing with thoughts of what the council might do to her and her loved ones.

The dealer looks up from his work and greets her with a sly smile. "Elizaveta, it's been a while. What brings you here today?"

Elizaveta takes a deep breath and asks, "What do you know about the council? And about Petrov? I need to know the truth."

The dealer leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers. "I know a lot of things, Elizaveta. But the truth is a tricky thing. It depends on who you ask."

Elizaveta's anxiety grows as she senses there's more to the story. "Please, I need to know. I'm in danger, and so are my friends. What do you know about Petrov and his son, John?"

The dealer's colleague interrupt them, "Why didn't you tell her the whole truth? It's not right to keep her in the dark."

The dealer turns his attention to the colleague, his expression growing cold. "It's none of your business. But fate sure does love toying with Elizaveta. Petrov is a dangerous man, and his son is even worse. They're not to be trifled with. But Elizaveta, if you want to survive this, you're going to have to play their game."

Elizaveta's heart races as she realizes the gravity of the situation. "I'll do whatever it takes. Just tell me what to do."

The dealer nods, his expression softening. "I'll help you. But you have to be careful. Petrov and his son have a lot of power and influence. They won't hesitate to hurt you or your loved ones if they see you as a threat."

Elizaveta nods, determined to protect herself and her loved ones at all costs. "I understand. I'll be careful."

The dealer hands her a blood pack and says "This is a special blood, it will give you the strength you need to face them. But be warned, it's highly addictive."

Elizaveta takes the blood pack and thanks the dealer before leaving his office, her mind racing with thoughts of what the future holds. As she walks out, she can't shake off the feeling that she's being watched.

Elizaveta stops by the door and asks who the vampires who stopped by her house are, one she vauguely knew "Dmitri" but other was a total mystery.

The blood dealer shrugs, "Just some council enforcers. They're not my concern, but they might be yours." Elizaveta's heart races as she realizes the danger she's in. The dealer continues, "You should be careful, Elizaveta. The council doesn't take kindly to rogue vampires like yourself. They'll do whatever it takes to bring you back into the fold." Elizaveta nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. She thanks the dealer and leaves, her mind racing with thoughts of how to protect herself and those she cares about.

Elizaveta gets tired off playing coy and decides to send the council a message to leave her alone, pondering on attacking the blood storage unit they had in the town, the biggest declaration of war you could make to the council, starving thousands of vampires.

She stops by the house first to go pick up a few things, where she finds a scared Anthony looking at the blood pack Dmitri had thrown her the other night, Anthony thinks that its hers. He asks her if she's been drinking again.

Elizaveta hesitates for a moment, not sure how to respond. She doesn't want to lie to Anthony, but she also doesn't want to scare him. She takes the blood pack from him and puts it in her bag, trying to play it off as if it's nothing.

"No, I haven't been drinking again," she says, trying to sound casual. "That's just...some old stuff I had lying around. Don't worry about it."

Anthony looks at her skeptically, but doesn't push the issue. "Okay," he says, sounding uncertain. "But if you ever need help, you know I'm here for you."

Elizaveta's heart swells with emotion at Anthony's words. She knows that she can't involve him in any of this council business, but she's grateful for his support. She gives him a hug and a kiss on the forehead before leaving, promising to be back soon.

As she walks out the door, Elizaveta makes a decision. She knows that attacking the council's blood storage unit would be a risky move, but she's determined to protect Anthony and Rob at all costs. She'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if it means going to war with the council.

Elizaveta makes her way to the council's blood storage unit, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. She knows that what she's about to do is incredibly risky, but she's determined to protect Anthony and Rob at any cost. As she approaches the unit, she can see guards posted at the entrance and realizes that breaking in will be much harder than she thought. She takes a deep breath and begins to devise a plan.

As she surveys the area, she notices a small ventilation shaft on the side of the building. She quickly climbs up to it and starts to make her way inside. It's a tight squeeze, but she manages to make it through. Inside, she can see rows and rows of blood packs, all neatly stacked and ready for distribution. She takes a moment to catch her breath and then begins to systematically destroy the blood packs, one by one.

She can hear the guards outside, shouting and running towards the building, but she knows she doesn't have much time. She works quickly, using her vampire strength to rip open the packs and spill the blood all over the floor. As the last pack is destroyed, she can hear the guards breaking down the door. She quickly makes her way back to the ventilation shaft and starts to climb out.

As she reaches the top, she can see the guards pouring into the building, but she's already halfway out. She jumps down and starts to run, her heart racing. She knows that the council will be furious with her, but she also knows that she's sent a powerful message. She's not going to be pushed around anymore, and she'll do whatever it takes to protect the people she loves.

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