The Monster's Son

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Elizaveta was on a mission. She had to find out everything she could about Dr. Viktor Petrov, the vampire who had been hunting her and her kind for decades. She had heard rumors that Petrov had living relatives, but she couldn't believe it. She knew that vampires couldn't have children, so she wondered if Petrov had adopted someone, just like Aleksei had adopted Nikolai.

She began her search by hunting down other vampires. She asked them what they knew about Petrov, but most of them didn't know anything. They were just as confused as she was. She was starting to think that Petrov was a phantom, a ghost that only existed in stories.

Elizaveta walked through the dark streets, her senses on high alert as she hunted for any information about Viktor Petrov. She had heard rumors that he was back in the country and she needed to know if they were true. As she approached a group of vampires huddled in an alley, she called out to them, "What do you know about Petrov? Has anyone seen him?"

The vampires looked up at her, fear in their eyes. "We don't know anything," one of them said. "We've heard rumors, but nothing concrete."

Elizaveta sighed and turned to leave, but then paused. "What about his family? Does he have any living relatives?"

The vampires exchanged confused glances. "Petrov is a vampire, he can't have children," one of them said.

Elizaveta's heart sank. She had suspected as much, but hearing it confirmed was still a blow. She turned to leave, but then paused once more. "What about adopted children? Has anyone heard of a John?"

The vampires shook their heads, and Elizaveta's heart sank further. If Petrov had a son, it could only mean one thing. Anthony, her dear Anthony, was related to two monsters. She leaned against the wall, tears streaming down her face as she lamented the twisted fate that seemed to have befallen her and those she loved.

She gets home, only to find shy Anthony and Rob having a karaoke night with rather bad singing.

As Elizaveta enters her home, she can hear the off-key singing coming from the living room. She makes her way over to find Anthony and Rob sitting on the couch, surrounded by empty beer cans, belting out a song at the top of their lungs. They both look up at her with wide grins on their faces, clearly having a good time.

"Hey, Lizzie! We're having a karaoke night!" Anthony says, slurring his words slightly.

Elizaveta can't help but smile at the sight. Despite everything she's been through, it's moments like this that remind her of the importance of family and friends. She takes a seat next to them and joins in on the singing, trying to push away the thoughts of Petrov and his son from her mind for now.

As the night goes on and the singing becomes more and more off-key, Elizaveta can't help but think about Petrov and his son John. She had always assumed that Petrov, being a vampire, wouldn't have any living relatives. But now she knew that he had a son, and the thought made her uneasy. She couldn't help but wonder if John was just like his father, a monster hiding in plain sight.

She shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. She didn't want to think about it right now. She wanted to enjoy this moment with her friends and forget about the darkness that seemed to be closing in around her. She smiled and continued singing, trying to push away the thoughts for now.

As the night went on, Elizaveta couldn't shake the feeling that Petrov and John were connected to her in some way. She made a mental note to investigate more into Petrov's past and find out what, if any, connections he had to her life.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Anthony drunkingly confesses his feelings but admits he's a nobody who works at a donut store, failing grades and zero social skills. He brings up how Nikolai is much cooler than him despite having never seen him, confessing he wished Elizaveta loved him in the same way.

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