Better because

127 11 5

"Please, don't ever become a stranger. Whose laugh,
I could recognize anywhere"

Y/n sat on the chair at the corridor of the ship while hugging her knees Beside the man who had the ability to turn her world upside down while remaining unfazed. The cause of her happiness. The cause of her miseries.... Jeon jungkook, who stared ahead in the dark tranquil ocean. Unaware of the inner turmoil of his  wife- no we won't get married again. I won't be his wife. He won't be my husband. He won't be my husband .... He won't be- Will I be able to bear that? Will I be able to bear that once I change the fate? Will I be able to change our  fate? But there's no other options or second chances. It's the only chance she has. And she has to change it. To make sure that he at least exists. He doesn't need to be by her side as long as he exists. Besides she didn't deserve him anyway. She lost him the day she started to blame him for my miseries to conceal her heart. She lost him the day she started to blame him when it was her who had dug her own grave. She can't afford to get swayed now. She'll leave. She will leave right away after she has ensured that he is safe from her misfate. I'll leave right away. But can't I look at you for a little longer? Will it be wrong for me to look at you for now ?

Her head rested on her knees as she gazed at his features. The wind making his hair blow through which she used to run her fingers before. The tiny cut mark under his eyes which she used to trace with her fingers. The mole on the curve of his neck that was peeking out from the collar of his uniform which she loved to kiss. Everything is the same as before. Just not their hearts. Just not them. She knew that she shouldn't be gazing at him like this. She shouldn't be when he himself had drawn the line . But still she couldn't help but wonder while staring at his face. Still she couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if that accident hadn't happened. What it would have been like if he hadn't left that night. What it would have been like if their baby was still alive. What it would have been like then? The very same question that can make her ponder in her thoughts for hours came in her mind again. Our baby would have started her school this year. Right!?Maybe I would have been in the kitchen preparing out dinner while you would have brought her favourite chocolates while returning from your mission? Or maybe we would have been on a ship together going for a family trip? Maybe our daughter would have loved the ocean just as much as her parents did. Right ?!Maybe we all would have been sitting together watching the stars through the open deck. Maybe- Nothing. Afterall it was all maybe .... Maybe....

Closing her eyes she turned away. Turned away to hide her tears. But what was the point anyways? Afterall he doesn't looks at her anymore. So would it even matter if she had cried? Nonetheless she still looked away. Cause the quicker she lets it go the better it will be for both of them. Cause the life she is living here is just temporary. A temporary one which she'll have to leave when the time arises.

As he stared the dark ocean he wondered how come he isn't bored of it even after years being in the sea? How come he still finds it so fascinating?! So fascinating that even after years of being in the ocean he still finds himself gazing at it for hours?! What was so intriguing about it- The thoughts that had started to crowd his mind got interrupted. There wasn't just the sound of tranquil waves hitting the ship anymore. There was another sound now in the air along with it. Sound of light snoring. His gaze moved from the sea to the intruder of their
ship, y/n. Her head was tilted on the chair while she hugged her knees tightly to shield herself from the cold. Her breathing was even but would change occasionally with the gush of wind that kept making her shudder in her sleep. She had fallen asleep. Averting his gaze he looked at his wrist watch to check the time. There was still more than an hour left till they cross the border of the Boston. Should I wake her up now? Or let her sleep for a little longer? A part of him wanted to wake her up immediately but another half of him strongly opposed. What harm can it cost if I let her sleep for few minutes more? She won't be able to leave the room once she has entered. So shouldn't I let her enjoy this few minutes of  freedom? But she's sleeping. It's not like she's enjoying it. She can sleep in the room too. The rational part of him replied. But the irrational side of him revoked that and said It's just a matter of few minutes... Yes just few minutes.

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