My husband....

381 23 8

"I know better but I still feel you all around.
I know better
But you’re still around"

Y/n's head remained on jungkook's chest, her hand on his abdomen while jungkook's finger created circles on her shoulder blades as they watched the ending credits scenes of the movie rolling in their dimmly lit room. Jungkook's head nuzzling on her hair as he spoke.

Jungkook : Let's open a chicken restaurant like them Y/n.

He said while refering to the movie that they were watching. Y/n glanced up at him and hummed questioningly.

Y/n : Hmm..?
Jungkook : Yes...What do you think?

Y/n narrowed her eyebrows and answered

Y/n : Nope. We are not.

Jungkook's expression looked hurt as he whined.

Jungkook : Why! It's gonna be fun.
Y/n : Cause you are rarely home. Opening a restaurant will mean that I'll have to do everything alone along with school so no!

Jungkook immediately sat up straight.

Jungkook : No.. No- Y/n.You won't have to do any of it alone. Trust me.

He said while holding her palms which made her slightly baffled. She didn't thought that he was being serious.

Jungkook : I'm planning to retire Y/n.
Y/n : R-retire? What are you talking about jungkook?

Caressing her palms jungkook tried to reply with an assuring smile.

Jungkook : Hmm...Y/n. Let's stay together always. You remember the cabin that you had really liked in jeju? They have decided to sell it. Let's buy that and live there. We can ran the restaurant on the active region there together Y/n. What do you think?

Y/n's eyes quivered as she tried to comprehend what he was saying. Retire ? He's planning to retire from the job that he loves to death?! Is because- No. She can't let him do that. Weakly shaking her head she looked away.

Jungkook : Y/n-
Y/n : No ju-jungkook.
Jungkook : B-but Y/n-
Y/n : I know why you are saying this jungkook. So please don't. You'll regret it all-
Jungkook : I- I won't y/n-
Y/n : It's because of Siwoo jungkook. I know that.

Jungkook's face fell after hearing her.

Jungkook : No-no it's not about siwoo. Y/n it's-
Y/n : It wasn't your fault jungkook.

She said interrupting him.

Y/n : It's not your fault jungkook. It's your superiors that had assigned that mission to Siwoo.

Her fingers traced his cheekbones as she continued.

Y/n : It had nothing to do with you.... You couldn't possibly have any say in that. Siwoo knows that too.

He bit his lips while tensed lines started to appear on his forehead. His head fell low cause he wasn't ready to meet her eyes.

Jungkook : I- don't know...It's been years y/n. B-but I still.~gulp~ It still hurts to see him suffering like this. ~sniffle~ Y/n- he was telling me yesterday how everyone was pitying his fiance on their engagement party. Y/n- you didn't see his face. I have never se-seen him like this. The way he was cry-crying and telling me that he l-loves her. He loves her s-so much yet he feels like he needs to let her g-go. For her sake. He was ask-asking me what to do.  And I....I didn't Knew what to tell him Y/n.

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