A quest is proposed.

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The next day, I was transferred to the big house, where Chiron first gave me a guided tour of Hera's cabin, which was not fitted out to accommodate anyone, of course, because it was honorary in nature, no bed, no bathroom; nothing but a statue of Queen Hera surrounded by a slender white column. The statue represented the goddess seated on her throne draped in golden garb, the statue was not white like the ones I'd seen in museums, I'd heard that Greek statues like the one built by sculptor Phidias were originally colored but I'd never seen one in real life. I could have believed it was human.

The only problem was that Hera's eyes seemed to be following me.

There was a bronze brazier at this foot, who tended it? No idea, it was always supposed to be empty. A stone falcon was on her shoulder, (I wondered since this was one of Zeus' symbols, could he suddenly strike me with it, as with laser beams, my sweet pessimistic thought). Hera held in her hands a cane surmounted by a lotus flower. Her hair was braided. She was smiling like: Mommy is the deity here, so she's always right and you must always listen to her, or I'll crush you with my stick.

The cabin looked like a magnificent tomb, if you ask me, not a vacation spot. I had only one advantage as the daughter of Hera - I had nothing to share with anyone, I chose my own activities, but in return I was miserable, everyone avoided me like a newly discovered disease, no one wanted to approach the daughter of the most vengeful goddess of Olympus, famous for hating the demigods.

My presence meant two things to everyone, firstly Hera goddess of marriage had broken her vows by giving birth to me and secondly Zeus would stop at nothing to eliminate me he'd send me every monster in creation, logically I was the adulterous child of his wife who had sworn eternal fidelity to him, we'd all have done the same.

Everyone avoided me except one person, Percy. We were experiencing much the same thing, rejected by the others all at once. No one from cabin eleven wanted to take us on after the events of Capture the Flag, so fencing lessons were down to Percy, Luke and me. He said we'd need training more than ever and went so far as to push us to our limits.

Annabeth was still tutoring us in ancient Greek, but she was obviously distracted, looking at Percy with an angry expression whenever he spoke to her, which I found very unpleasant, although he hadn't done anything to her that I knew of. Then, when we'd finished, she'd start mumbling things like, "Quest... Poseidon?Dirty rotten...Got to make a plan..."

Even the Ares no longer approached me, despite the furious looks they were giving me. I'll tell you right now, I'd have preferred them and me to fight, it's not cool to be ignored, but luckily for me Percy, Grover and Luke were there.

One morning, Chiron woke me up.

"Kassandra," he began, "Mr. D wishes to see you."

Great. Had my celestial stepfather instructed him to eliminate me?


"All will be explained to you in due course. In the meantime, come, Percy will be here too."

He left my temporary room, I dressed and looked out of the window at the sky, the rain seemed to be coming or worse, I was pretty sure Luke had once explained to me that bad weather only came if we decided it, but here someone had decided it for us.

I stepped out of the big house and found myself facing Mr.D and Chiron as well as Percy and Grover.

"As I said to the other one, don't expect me to bow because her most annoying majesty is your mother."

Lightning flashed through the clouds. And the thunder shook the tiles of the house. My whole body shook with fear.

"Blah blah blah," grumbled Mr. D.

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