10~ For Flapjack

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"Now now, you witch.." the man said, a sinister grin came on his face "I'll make sure you and those fifty witches go to the place you rot in!"

The brown-haired man raised his dagger in the air, showing no sign of mercy.

The woman spoke "you killed my husband!" she made a spell circle.

"I'll make sure you'll never hurt a witch again!" the wind started to drag the man in the portal to the forest

"wha- you little-" he grunts, trying to get away from the portal

The witch said "I'll make sure in every life your gone, Philip"




"They're here" Hunter heard the car pull in "we need to tell Luz" he grabbed you hand and dragged you upstairs

your face started to heat up as he holds you hands, god did his hands feel warm

You both were outside, Mama waved at you both as she came inside, the blonde walked the Luz with a stressed look up on his face.

"Hunter..? what's wrong?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Belos" he said, not even with a hesitation.

Luz gasped "But I thought-"

Hunter interrupted her "He's here, in the cottage, me and Y/n saw him"

You nodded, agreeing with him statement

Luz grabbed some tools and handed it to the group, they all walked to the cottage.

"are both sure you saw him? I thought the Collector got rid of him" Luz raised an eyebrow

The blonde looked down "Yea... I'm sure" he gripped on the rake, his hands trembled as he looked at the cottage, he was there! I know it.

Y/n noticed and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit.

Luz noticed his face "Hey.. we can wait for the others if thats-"

The blonde cuts her off "No! we have to handle this ourselves" he snapped, then sighed "Dammit I hate this.. I was never scared as the golden guard!"

"Then how about we bring some of that mask confidence back eh?" Luz grabbed some masks, making the blonde smile

Hunter kicked the door opened "Alright belos, what's about to happen should be restively painless, if you just do what we say" Hunter shouted into the cottage.

"Yeah! Some just come out with your hands behind your back you creep!" Y/n matched his energy

Luz looked around "Me and Hunter will look here and you look upstairs"

"Wait- shouldn't we stay together?" Hunter looked between the Nocedas

"It's alright don't worry blondie" You smiled and went upstairs, leaving the grimwalker with a face as red as blood.

Y/n walked upstairs, she looked in each room, but once she went to the last room, she started to hear voices in the back of their head.

"Oh? Who may you be? I've never seen a person like you! You seem... so familar.."

"You must be that foul witch, still haunting me huh? I'll end you like how I ended Caleb and all those other grimwalkers!"

"Your spirit will never come for me again."

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