3~ Time with The Blonde

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The night sky shimmered with light and stars.

It was just perfect

Outside the cottage, late at night with no one there but just a girl and a blonde boy

The girl sat down on one of the steps and the blonde sat next to her.

"Did I cut your hair good enough?" the female said softly.

"You did, very greatful to have you" he smiled at the female.

She looked at him
Her face turned a bit rosey

He chuckled softly, "you have quite the rosey face there"

"S-Shut up" the girl covered her face from embarrassment


Y/n jolted awake.

She looked over to see Hunter was gone

"He must have went down to the basement to sleep" the (h/c) female said quietly.

You stretched your body a bit, the time was 2:56 am.

Some mumbles came from the restroom.

Y/n got up to see the light on ad the door slightly opened.

She looks inside to see Hunter talking to himself in the mirror.

"No no no.. I'll never be like you!" Hunter exclaimed looked at the mirror.

You could see him a bit stressed out.

Y/n walked up to Hunter slowly and hugged him from behind.

Hunter gasped softly, he feels soft arms wrapped around him, the feeling was warm and comfortable.

"Y/n..? What are you doing?" Hunter asked softly turning to look at you

You felt like you did something wrong and thought to yourself.
Shit shit shit, I shouldn't have done that, oh man I messed up.

"I uhm.. thought you needed it. You look.. a bit stressed" y/n spoke softly with nervousness

Hunter was touch that you try and help him out.

The blonde hugged you back.

You blushed slightly and said, "it's okay now"

As you hugged him, you saw a book on the floor.

"Witch Hunter's...?" You read the books name out loud

Hunter's eyes grew wide and said, "huh..?"

Y/n pointed at the book.

"Oh... it's noth-"

"It looks like a great book!!" Y/n smiled

Hunter was confused but realized
She doesn't think of anything?she isn't suspicious of me?

Hunter said nervously "oh y-yea, I'm just interested in that topic"

Y/n smiled and asked, "me to! People say that it's all fake, but I believe that Witch Hunter's are or were real!"

"Do.. you" Hunter paused then took a deep breath

"Do you want to read.. the book with me sometime..?"

You smiled and said " I'm flattered from your idea, and of course"

Hunter smiled and said, "Do you want to read with me right.. now?"

Y/n nodded with happiness

The 2 walked over to the couch and Hunter grabs the book and turns to the first page.

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