6~ Blonde Hair Off

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The girl looked at him with shock

"You do? But I thought.. you like the other-" the girl got paused from the boy talking over her.

The blonde says "No! I've liked you! Always you! But I was scared you didn't feel the same"

The girl smiles softly, then pressed her lips against the males.

He's face was a blush again, he closed his eyes and put his hand on the females cheek.

The kiss lasted 20 seconds until the both pulled away.

"I love you" the blonde said smiling

The female said, "Your my only love, now and forever"


1 month has passed, Luz let her hair curl, Amity's hair got longer and the purple faded a bit, Gus got slightly taller, Willow got more happy as time passed, and Hunter's hair grew very long.

One night, y/n woke up at the night.

"Man, I keep having these kinds of dreams of love. My mind likes to bully me sometimes" you sighed

Y/n looked at the females ad saw how they were all sleeping peacefully.

Hunter looked in the bathroom mirror.

He blinked then saw Caleb.

The face was gray and old, with a serious stare at Hunter.

Hunter panicked then blinked again.

This time it was Belos with a death glaze at Hunter.

"No no no... not you again!" Hunter mumbled with fear.

The face of belos got more angry

"Just leave me alone!" Hunter rubbed his eyes then looked in the mirror again.

He saw himself but his hair reminded him of Belos long hair and Caleb's hair color

Hunter fell back in fear.

He grabbed a pair of scissor then stated to cut his hair in a messed up way.

Hunter didn't care what he was doing, as long as he didn't look like Caleb or Belos.

Meanwhile, you were walking through the hallways until you saw a light from the bathroom.

"Huh?" Y/n mumbled

She opened the door to see Hunter cutting his hair.

Hunter looked up at you with sweat coming down his head.

"What are you doing? It's midnight and your cutting your hair?" You yawned.

Hunter said, "uhmm.. just.."

You can see Hunter was having a hard time, just from the sweat dripping down.

"You need help with that?" Y/n smiled

Hunter nodded slowly.

You sat Hunter down on the toilet and said "Okay, I'm not good at cutting people's hair but I'll try my best"

Then started to cut Hunter's hair.

Hunter blushed from embarrassment then pushed the Witch Hunter book away from himself.

"You want me to keep the little noodle?" Y/n asked quietly

Hunter looked at the noodle and said "please cut it, it reminds me of Caleb"

"Who may Caleb be?" Y/n said as she cut his hair.

Hunter felt a bit of panic and said "just erm-.. someone that I'm scared of.."

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