2~ Around Town

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Y/n got out of bed and started to walk downstairs.

It was 7:12 am

"Hello mija, how was your sleep?" Mama asked.

Y/n said, "good mama.. where is the other's?"

"There still sleeping right now" Camelia said as she made pancakes.

Then the basement door opened and Gus came out of there.

"Morning Camelia and y/n! Mmm what is that smell?" Gus said with excitement

Y/n pointed at the pancakes Camelia was making

Gus squealed with excitement and sat down at the table with Y/n

"How was your night?" The (h/c) girl asked.

Gus smiled and said, "fantastic! There was a lot of human stuff down there!"

Y/n chuckled and says "at least you had fun right?"

Gus nodded with a big smile.

Then Willow started to walk downstairs to the table

"Hey Augustus, and y/n!" Willow smiled and sat down next to gus.

The 2 said good morning back.

Then as the 3 talked a male sat next to you.

It was Hunter

"Morning Hunter!" Gus waved.

"Hey hunter" Willow smiled.

"Good morning" you said as you look at him.

Hunter said, "greetings to all of you"

Y/n thought to herself, greetings? He must be from a high class family or something. But what was I dreaming about? Red grass? Giant skull? Huh?

Hunter tapped your shoulder slightly.

You came back to reality and looked at Hunter.

"Uhm.. why are you- erm just staring at the table?" Hunter asked, feeling a bit awkward

You realized that you zoned out into your thoughts.

"Oh, just thinking about something, sorry"

Hunter nodded slightly and spoke "no need to say sorry"

Luz and Amity came downstairs and sat down

Camelia gave everyone a plate of pancakes.

Y/n and Gus were the first to take a bite.

"Mmm mmm mmm!!! This tastes good!" Gus exclaimed and ate more.

Willow and Amity took a few bites and smiled.

Luz started to eat after Amity.

And Hunter ate his pancakes slowly

Gus was the first to finish, Willow was the second, Amity ad Luz tied, Y/n finished 12 seconds after them and Hunter finished last.

"Would you guys like to go out shopping and looking around?" Camelia asked kindly.

Amity nodded as a 'yes'
Willow gave a thumbs up
Gus nodded with excitement
Luz said "sure mama"
Y/n smiled and nodded
Hunter said, "uhm sure"

Camelia grabbed all of the plates and said, " just get ready to go"

The others nodded.

Amity, Willow, Luz, Vee and Y/n went upstairs and the 2 boys went back to the basement.

Luz gave Amity, and Willow some clothes.

Y/n grabbed some other clothes and went down to the basement.

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