9~ Who is Caleb?

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The night grew cold, the sky above shimmer with thousands of glowing stars

oh how it would have been such a perfect night until just then

The female carries the body of the male on her back, her face streamed tears that came from her eyes.

They put the limped body in the hole, covering it in dirt until the body wasn't seen.

A tomb stone was place on top, the females wiped her tears

"Oh my dear.." she sobbed, dropping her head as she walks back to her house, with her new child in her tummy

'Rest in peace Caleb Wittebane, I'd forever will love you' is what was written on the tomb




The door to the cottage open. Camila and Y/n came inside with a smile "Hi- Oh, I like what you've done with the place, no more exposed nails or possum nests!" the mother looked around the cottage.

"But this still confuses me" Y/n pushed the door open to show the dripping red paint of an owl on the front door

"Yeah, he still confuses us" Willow said, looking at the 2 humans

"Hola Camila" Gus got up and waved with a bright warm smile "we're learning Spanish from this scary owl app" he showed the tablet.

"Hoot hoot! practice every day, or I'll appear in your nightmares" The scary bird app said out loud.

Y/n stared at the tablet, and mumbled "The hell-" but got cut off by her mother

"Sin palabrotas Y/n" Camila said sternly (It means No swearing)

"Si mama"

The human mother fixed up her purse "Well, I'm going to pick up Luz from school. Pop quiz ¿Cómo se dice eso en español?" with a slight smirk.

"Oh oh oh! Voy... eh Luz.. eh escuela?" hunter stood up, confused a bit

"Voy a recoger a Luz de la escuela" Vee smiles.

Y/n smiled "Muy bueno!"

The mother said "Keep it up" as she walked to the car to pick up Luz

"I'll be right back" Y/n smiled and walked out of the cottage as well

after a few moments of walking, you heard a slight yelp, you came back to the cottage to see Amity face planted onto the wooden floor

"Come on flapjack this isn't funny anymore" Amity groaned and got up.

"What happened here?" Y/n walked forward into the cottage.

Hunter explained "Amity fell into a hole in the floor Flapjack made" he said as the bird flies to his shoulder

"There's something.. in here" Amity grabbed the item.

Y/n stepped forward "I've never noticed that before, what is it?"

"Hmm, looks like a map?" Gus said

"Or some kind of secret code" Willow added after Gus.

Flapjack, is this what you've both been looking for? what does it lead to?" Hunter questions the little red bird on his shoulder

Amity looked at the puzzle "That eye... it kind of looks like the old portal door." her eyes grew wide with shock of realization.

"The portal door!" Gus and Willow put their arounds around each other "Portal door! Portal door! portal door!!" the 2 repeated.

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