7~ Another Failed Attempt

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The males walked to the cottage, cause he had forgotten his book

As he walks closer he can hear a person singing.

"Huh?" The blonde mumbled

He looked in through the cottage window

The female was spinning around, singing a song with her headphones in.

"He's crazy but he is mine. Damn I lose my mind, he's dancing every night singing sha la la la la 🎶 "

The female sang.

The blonde was mesmerized by her singing.

The female didn't notice the male and kept singing and spinning

The male smiled then walked back to the house, with a smile.


2 weeks has pasted, school was starting soon. But we still need a working portal, we tried multiple times but it failed, Luz felt guilty and thought it was her to blame

"Okay guys, we can't mess this up!" Willow said with confidence

Gus smiled proudly and said "I can't wait to see my dad!"

Y/n smiled and said "you'll see your parents soon"

The palisman got on there wheel, then started to run on it to create energy

But Gus's palismen was just climbing up the wheel

The portal seem to work a bit.

Hunter plugged in the tubes into the door.

The door opened.. it was a portal

But a second later it explosion happened from the door.

It caught on fire

The group backed up.

"Fireeee!" Willow exclaimed

Gus rushed to get the fire engineer then started to spin it in the air

"Don't worry I'll handle thisss!" Gus exclaimed.

The Vee quickly grabbed it out of Gus's hands and said, "this is how you use it Gus"

Vee pulled down on the handle making white foam get rid of the fire

Y/n sighed then leaned on one of the trees in disappointment.

Then Luz kneeled down on the floor and took off her hat with sadness

Amity went over and tried to comfort Luz by stroking her back.

"We can't give up guys, even though we failed... a lot of times but we can still kept going!"

Y/n said, trying to encourage the group

Gus nodded and said  "I have hope that we can do this!"

Hunter smiled from y/n's words of encouragement.

Luz got up and said in a lowered voice, "yea.. me to"

"Maybe we can produce some energy from your spells?" Y/n asked

Willow said "it might work, maybe our spell circles and staff can produce enough energy to make it work!!"

Everyone cheered with the idea

The 4 got there staffs.

Amity made a spell circle with her staff
Willow made some plant thorns
Gus made some illusions
Hunter started to run in circles to make a yellow flash around him

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