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Start from the beginning

I started running with my class out "Everyone stay close together, we'll fight them as a group." I looked over at midoriya who made the comment "I'm going on my own." I say as i run off to the south-west part of the arena making arrows with the balls attached i moved my hand and they flew off to the closest people. It took me a minute to find people but when i did they didn't even know what happened, I took their balls and kept on taking and stealing, it was like taking candy from a baby. "Oh, the first contestants passed, finally." there was a second of silence until "What! 150 and 120 students were taken down! Two people were able to do that in one attack!" 

I started walking to the 'anteroom' by following the arrows. When i got there i was surprised to see the second person wasn't here yet, i waited silently until the door opened with a loud bang. I looked up with a blank face it was the guy from before with the strong quirk. "Ah... Congratulations on getting 1st. I'm grateful to be working with someone as strong as you" I nodded and bowed "Thank you, i could say the same for you getting second. He bowed and i winced when his head scrapped the floor, "THANK YOU!" Then the door opened and someone came in, i sat on the couch and closed my eyes silently. I was in a trance of nothingness soon later it was just a dark room of nothing and i was meditating in it, i was soon awaken by something heavy being placed on my shoulder.

 I looked over to see candy cane hair in my face, "Did i wake you up." shoto looked up at me his bi colored eyes looking into my red ones "I wasn't resting so no." I stared at his hair, on my shoulder it was as soft a feather but i wanted to feel if it was as soft as i thought "You can touch it if you want." I looked back into his eyes i guess i had been staring for too long, i looked back at his hair hesitantly reaching out my hand. When my hand reached his hand i just rested it there but then i slowly started rubbing it and drawing small circles on his head as he rested his head on my shoulder. My usual emotionless face lifter a little into a soft smile, but then i felt someone looking at us. I stopped petting Shoto and looked up, i scanned the room to see nobody looking in our direction. Then there was a groan i looked down to see shoto looking at me "Is something wrong." I shook my head still scanning the room from the corner of my eye "Can you continue to pet me then." I did as he said shaking off the feeling, maybe it was someone glancing around, no, the look was filled with disgust.

"Currently 70 people have passed, 30 more and we'll be done." I was getting a little worried, the assignment wasn't hard 'hit 2 people with the balls and your done. So what was taking them so long, i could felt todoroki sharing the same concern as me. Then i heard footsteps and i looked up, i looked up and saw jiro, shoji, yoamomo and tsu. "Good i'm glad to see you both passed." Todoroki stood up and i followed suit, they stared asking us questions about the others  i let todoroki answer the questions i didn't feel like talking right now. "I'm going to get something to eat." He nodded and i went over to the food station, i grabbed 2 dumplings one for me and the other for shoto. Now that i think of it this is one of the first times i went to get food willingly, i internally cheered a little. I walked back to see midoriya and bakugo were here, "hey" I said to both of them, bakugo nodded while midoriya answered "Oh, Kurayami your here too." I gave shoto his dumpling "Of course, you guys cut it pretty close for my liking." I looked around  "Where's the rest of the class?"

I saw him shiver for some reason "Uhm, there still on the field." My eyebrows knitted together "hm, is that so." I let out a sigh and walked away, i sat on a bench that was vacant. This was taking too long, my mind floated to thinking about All for One, it was annoying to think he was my dad but i had already done a DNA test and it came positive. I grunted in anger i didn't want to be in a bad mood for the sake of myself....... And the person i'll was going to inevitably fight against. After what seemed like ages all 100 spots were filled, and all of class A made it, i cheered quietly while the others might as well had thrown a party.

"All right for the 100 of you who passed the first test please turn your attention to the screen." I looked up at the screen that was viewing the arena then all of a sudden everything started blowing up, my eyebows knitted together in confusion but not for long after figuring what we were going to be doing. "There's only one more round, your goal is simple take rescue exercises and save the bystanders that are nearby. The man continued to explain the rules that i took note too, I was going to walk over to todoroki but when i looked over he seemed to be having a pretty intense talk, i sighed then pouted a little. I wanted to talk to him but i don't want to be a burden and interrupt, but as quickly as it started it ended. Now i was going to ask him about it but midoriya came along, how i wish we were back at the dorms and we could talk for hours. After a while the room that we were in opened up, how many rooms started opening up, i stood getting ready for anything in my way.

Everyone ran out of the room in a crowd as i ran in another direction, "Cerberus" and then my trusty pet was running right beside me "I need you to get all the civilians you can to the hospital center." He ran away to the right while went to the left. "HELP, PLEASE ANYONE HELP!" I winced the cry for help sounded too familiar but i went over to it, when i saw a middle aged women stuck in debris from the torso down. "Please keep calm, help is here." I walked over to her and looked her in her teary eyes "How do you feel right now, dizzy, short of breath? Can you feel your legs?" I She shook her head "Yes, i can feel my legs. Please help me, my son and daughter got split up. I can't find my husband either." I Started using my blood manipulation to make a small shovel, i carefully dug around her just enough that i would be able to pull her up. I put my hands in her armpits like a baby and pulled her out, after that i laid her on her back and pressed pressure points on her legs to see if she could still feel them. I called cerberus over and put her on his back with 5 others "Go to the hospital center before you get any more, they need to be checked." He let out a low bark then lightly jogged off.

I walked around jumping over building pieces, I had found the family members of the lady and many others. "terrorist have approached the area..." That's all i heard over the joy that was overwhelming me finally something fun. I heard the shouts of battle that was calling my name. 

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