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Woken by the sound of monietrs I flutter my eyes open to see I'm in a hospital room

"Hello?" I say to anyone who hears

"Sienna?"I hear a voice say

I turn to my side to see my mom her nose is red and her eyes are all puffy she looks like she's been crying for ages

"Mom"I sob

She stands up leaning down to hug me I try lift myself up still feeling weak hugging her back

"How are you feeling honey?"she asks

"Drained"I say truthly

"I can imagine Honey I'm so sorry"she says tears falling down her face

"Its okay mom"I reassure her

"What happened to hunter is his gone?"I my heart starting to beat faster

"yes he's gone he's been locked up"she says as more and more tears falling down her face

"I'm so sorry if I didn't exist you would of lost your son"I say tears falling down my face also

"No honey don't worry, they found out he was doing other illegal stuff anyway"she says

"Oh. Wait where's Tristan?"I ask worried

"He's in another room"she says

"Oh okay, is he okay?" I ask

"Yes he just had a Minor concution"she says

"Can I see him"i  ask

"I'll have to  ask the nurses and even tell then your awake but I can assure you he misses you he asks about you every day when you were asleep"

"When I was asleep?"

"Yes, you were in a coma for like a week because u passed out and had a concussion"she says

"Oh." I say shocked

"I'm going to go get the nurses I'll be right back okay honey"she says

"Okay"I say

She smiles before leaving the hospital room

I look around the room realising I'm in the exact same room I was in when my mom died

I really miss her I miss my old life when I was always happy but ever since she died my life just keeps getting worse, don't get me wrong I do love my foster mom and Tristan and our house and the way she spoils me but I will always miss my old life

She finally comes back with a nurse.

She looks familiar, wait

"jodey?" I ask

"Hi sienna"she says

"Hii"I say smiling through tears

"How are you doing"she says

"not well" i say

"Is there anything I can do for you"she says

"Can I see Tristan pretty please"I ask

"Sure, do you mind getting him"she says too my mom

"Of course"she says walking out the room

"Can i just check your obs please"jodey says

"Yeh"I say

"Okay thanks"she says

She comes over to me and puts my finger in the little Sats moniter and wraps my arm in the blood pressure moniter and puts a thermometer under my tounge

Mom comes back in the room with Tristan

His face is all swollen and he has a few bruises on his cheek "hi sis"he says

"Hi Tristan"I say as I start crying

She takes the thermometer out my mouth and the other stuff off, Tristan rushes over to me hugging me gently

"I'm so sorry"I cry into his chest

"Don't be sorry enna"he says rubbing my back

"No it's my fault you got hurt you didn't have to do that for me" I say

He pulls away from the hug holding on to my shoulders looking me straight in the eyes and I also look him straight in the eyes "Sienna listen to me, i promise you its not your fault I'd do anything for you ill always be here for you when you need me i got you, okay?"he says

"Thank you Tristan"I say

He hugs me and I hug him but quickly pulling away.

I pick up a sick bowl that was on the table next to me and throw up all in it

"Sienna are you okay?"my mom asks

"Yeh, yes"I say

"Okay good"she says

We all stay quite for a bit

"G guys"I say breaking the silence

"Yes?"they both say at the same time

"I need to tell you something"I say

"What is it" my mom says worriedly

"im pregnant"I spit out

"Oh my"my mom says

"Are you joking"Tristan says

"No I swear theres a pregnancy test under my bed at home"I say

"Oh sienna"mom says hugging me

Tristan also leans into the hug and we all just sit there all huddled up

We finally break the hug falling into silence again

"How far along are you"my mom asks

"Im not sure"I say

"I'm gonna go get the nurses and ask her to do an ultrasound"she says and leaves the room

I turn to Tristan and see him staring into space

"are you OK tris"I ask him

"Y yes I just can't believe I'm going to be a uncle"he says

"and I can't believe in going to be a mom"I say

"im so sorry sienna"he says

"its okay don't be"I say

Mom comes back in with jodey

"Sienna your pregnant"she says shocked

"Unfortunately"I say

"I'm so sorry sweetie"she says

"its fine" I say

"I'm just gonna take you down to the ultrasound room okay"she says

"Okay"I say

She takes the brakes off the bed

"Wait Tristan get on the bed"I say moving over so there's space for him

"Thanks enna"he says laying next to me on the bed

Another nurse comes and they start pushing us with mom following behind

We finally Get to the room and she stops the bed in the place it's supposed to be and Tristan gets off the bed sitting on one of the seats

She starts the ultrasound and I can see my little baby on the screen

"Your about 9weeks" she says

I nod

"do you want to know the gender or keep it a surprise?" She asks

"Surprise"I say

"Okay"she says

She offered me a abortion but I declined after we were done we went back to my room we even got Tristans bed in here and we all just went to sleep as I wasn't feeling good

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