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Tristan POV

I had just came back from football and I was going to ask sienna if she wanted to watch a movie but I walked in on her crying and burning her self

"S sienna?"I say worriedly

I walk over to her bed at sit down on it in front of her "talk to me enna (her nickname) what happened" I say softly putting my arms around her back

She leans into my chest sobbing. I rub my hand on her back trying to comfort her it breaks me seeing her cry and doing this to her self

She lifts her head up looking me straight in my eyes her face is all puffy her nose is red and so are her eyes

"What happened enna?" I ask again

"I I can't tell you"she sniffles

"You can you can tell me anything I'll always be here I'd do anything for you sienna I love you so much so please please tell me who or what hurt you"

"H hunter"she whispers

"What did he do?"I ask

"He's been raping and abusing me and he threatened to kill me and whoever I tell if I tell anyone"she cries even more

My heart misses a beat and my facial expressions drop

"Stay here and call the police"I tell her and get up walking to her bedroom door

"Wait no Tristan please" she pleads

"Just call the police" I say and leave her room walking towards hunters room

I bang on the door loudly waiting for him to answer

The door finally opens

"HUNTER WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHE THE FUCK DID U FUCKING TOUCH HER" I yell at him and punching him in the nose

I never really go to violence but if you touch my little sister I don't care who the fuck you are *unless your my mom* your getting hurt

He picks me up by my top pinning me to the wall "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING"hunter yells



His hand is now around my neck choking me he slamms my head off the wall so hard I'm pretty sure it's bleeding

He lets go of me and I fall to the ground, my head's banging my vision is blurry and I feel so dizzy

He storms out of the room and I hear him slam open Siennas door and I hear her panicking crys

Sienna pov


Tristan leaves my room I've never seen him look so angry in my life I pick up my phone and call 999 my hands are shaking like crazy and my eyes are burning from crying so much

"999 what's your emergency" the dispatcher answer

"Please I need help" i cry out in fear

"With what ma'am" the dispatcher says

"Please I need help quick please help me me and my brother are going to get killed" I explain

"Ma'am please calm down can you tell me your name and where you live" she says

"M my names sienna and i-i live at 43 heartswook lane" I say slower

"Okay the police are coming your way now how old are you sienna?"

"I I'm 15"

"Can you try tell me exactly what's happening sienna?"

"I I was rap-"

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" Hunter storms into my room

I quickly hang up the phone out if fear

"Hunter please I'm sorry please don't hurt me" I beg him

He bolts over to me climbing over me, he puts his arms around me strangling me

My eyes start to blur and tears run out of by eyes and I start to wiggle around trying to fight his tight grip

He holds me down even harder, his face is red from the anger I feel as if im about to pass out, until I hear a glass shatter and hunter grunts and let's go off me putting his hand on his head and turns around

I see Tristan standing there with broken glass pieces in his hand hunter punches him across the face before grabbing him from his top and picking him up throwing him against the wall

"Tristan" I shout in fear and hunter turns around

I quickly get up running out of my room

I run down the stairs and see hunter chasing behind me

I run to the front door. Tristan Left his key in the door thank God

I quickly unlock the door and run out into the front garden

I carry on running till I feel hands around my waist

Hunter grabs me dragging me by my hair back into the house I scream and cry as I try to get out if his hold

He drags me all the way into the living room before chucking me at the wall

My head bounces really hard of the wall that I wouldn't be surprised if I had a concussion

Hunter walks over to me and I try get up but he slams my head even harder on the wall

I start to feel lightheaded and dizzy

Hunter raises me off the ground from my hair

He starts to strangle me whilst screaming at me but I can't hear him  because I'm barley contious

I get dropped on the ground and before I pass out I see 2 police holding hunter.

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