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*I wake up to the sound of moneters beeping around me*

" w w where am I " I stutter as my eyes start to adjust to the lighting

Nurse: "hi honey your at the hospital"she says

"W why" I ask still half unconscious

"You and your mother got into a car crash..unfortunately your mother didn't make it" the nurse says

"I w what I say

"I'm sorry" she says

"No please tell me your joking" I cry

She shakes her head

*I start breaking down crying*

She tries to comfort mr by rubbing her hand along my back*

"Where am I supposed to stay" I ask still crying

"We've contacted some family members but no one offered to keep you but we did find some one who said they could foster you"

"Who" I ask

"A lady named Sarah,she has two boys aged 17 and 21 so you wont be alone "

"OK"I say feeling drained

"You can Meet her whenever your ready I'll let u rest for now"

"Thank you" I say sniffling

*she leaves the room and I just stare at the ceiling crying*

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