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A few weeks passes since hunter and I had a"chat"

I've been going to school for a few weeks I'm in year 10 I've made a few friend but I'm missing my best friend ever Claire obviously because I've moved house I haven't seen her in forever so I decide to call her

The phone rings for a while until she final answers

" hii clairee" I say excited

" hii!!" she says back

" omg how are you I haven't seen you in agess"

" I'm good wbu"she asks me

"I'm gd as well"

"That's great!"

" are you doing anything today"I ask her

" er I don't think so"she says

"do you want to come over to mine and we can go shopping"

"sure I'll ask my dad to drop me!"

"Okay yay I just have to tell my mom your coming over"

"Okay I'm going to go get ready love you see you later!"

" I love you too bye babe"

" byee"she says and hangs up on me
I Head down stairs to see my mom making coffie in the kitchen

"mom my best friend Claire from when i was born is coming over is that okay?"

" um yeah of course sweetie I'm just not going to be here I'm going on my buissnes trip with Tristan"

"Okay we were thinking of going shopping mabye?" I ask

Yeah its fine with me hunter is home so he will have to drop you if u want"

"Okay if anything we can just walk"I say

" I hope you too have a good time but I have to go now honey be safe I love you she says and kisses my forehead"

"Bye mom!" I smile at her and she leaves

I run up the stairs and rush to my room I'm so exited I haven't seen Claire in agesss I quickly find something to wear in my wardrobe I decide to wear my brown juicycouture tracksuit with brown uggs I do my make up and wait for Claire

I few minutes later I hear the doorbell ring I run as quick as I can down the stairs and open the door as soon as I open the door I run into Claire's arms we hug for ages until we squeeze the oxygen out of each other

" bro I missed youu!"

" bro samee" she says a car horn beeps we both turn around and see her dad in the car waving at us we both walk over to the car and say hi

" bro samee" she says a car horn beeps we both turn around and see her dad in the car waving at us we both walk over to the car and say hi

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What Claire looks like

" hi Steve"*I call him by his first name because that's how long we have known eachover he was basically a dad to me because my dad left when he found out my mom was pregnant and my mom was also like a mom to clair because her mom went to jail for trying to kidnapp Claire once they were already divorced and Steve had full custody over Claire and my mom and him were supper close and I wish that they could have got married but un fortunately my mom had died before he even asked her to be his gf he could have adopted me but he couldn't afford it*

"Hi sweetie" how are you he says getting out of the car giving me a hug

I hug him back "I'm good thank you"

"That's good but I'll leave you two to it"

"Okay bye Steve bye dad"me and Claire both say and head back inside

"Your house is humongous!"Claire says "I can't believe you live here"

"Honestly neither can I" I hear footsteps coming down the stairs I already know who it is before I look but of course Claire already looking

"oh um hi hunter this is my best friend Claire"I introduce him to her

"Yeah whatever hi' he says dry-ly

"dont mind him he's Moody in the morning I say rolling my eyes" clearly he heard me because he gives me a dirty look

"and also fit"she says smirking

"ew Claire wtff"I laugh

" cmon you know he is really"she laughs as well

Honestly he is a gd looking lad but his personally is something else " no just no" I say out loud

" whatever girl she says"Claire's always been bold since we were young she's had so many boyfriends I've lost count and she's always got my back shed kill for me thats why I love her so much

Come on lets go to my room I say and we both sprint up the stairs to my room

"Damm your rooms bigger then my whole house mate"

"Oh stop it Claire"she's so dramatic her house is a descent size

*We chill for a little and I give her a house tour*

On our way through the house tour I find some alcohol left on the counter

" let's have a drink to celebrate us" I say and pop the lid off

" yesss" Claire says whe have a couple of glasses then go to my room to get ready

" here where this so we can be matching"I give her a red juicycouture tracksuit and some uggs we both get ready to leave as we're about to leave hunter stops us

"where are you two going looking " *he says checking us both out but mostly me*

"Why do you care" I say in a cheeky tone I can tell it surprises him because I normally never talk back to him but I feel safe with Claire

"excuse us"he says and grabs my arm dragging me back inside

" bro let me goo"I say in a whining tone

" he drags me to the living room and pins me to the wall"

" where do you think your going wearing that?" He asks me in a strict tone

" what's wrong with it"I say rolling my eyes "its literally just a tracksuit I swear you have a problem with everything"

"It says juicy on your ass" he says

"Okay and what you shouldn't be looking at my ass anyway " in a nervy way

I don't know where I got this confidence but I'm pretty sure I'm drunk

"I'll do whatever I want"he says in a angry way

" and I'll wear whatever I want I say and knee him in the dick making him let go of me and I run to the door before he can catch up to me"

"What was that about"Claire asks me

" oh nothing he just wanted to know where we were going" now come on let's go"I grab on to her arm and start running out the front garden

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