new friends

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After 10 minute walk we finally reach the shopping center

" where should we go first nenna"she asks me calling me by my nickname

" let's go to JD!"I say

"Okay let's go!" We walk to JD and we also go to a few over stores

"I'm kinda hungry are you" I ask Claire

"Yeah"we should get pizza hut


We get to pizza hut and a lady that looks about 25 takes our order

" yeah I'll just get a plain Margarita BBQ based with fries please" I'm quite a picky eater

" and I'll get a meat feast mild please" she says smiling at her

"Here are your girls cups you can get your drinks whenever your ready and I'll get your food out to you shortly" she smiles at us and walks away

"Aww bless her soul she's so sweet" Claire says

" I know she's lovely she's deffo getting a tip"

"look at you misses Richy"she says laughing

"oh shut up I'm just being a nice person but you can't relate can you"I laugh aswell

" bro I literally the nicest person ever what are you on about"she says rolling her eyes

20 minutes later are food finally arrives and we both dig in it was delicious and I left £50 for the waitress she was so grateful

We walk around for a little longer and we decide to sit down for a little bit these two boys approach us

Claire notices and fixed her hair and position and I just roll my eyes and laugh this girls too funny

" and what are you two pretty girls like you doing sitting here all alone"one of then says

"Oh were just resting you know how it is walking around for ages"Claire says

"What are your girls names and ages" the other one asks

"Well my names Claire and I'm 15" she says and nudges me to say my name and age "I um  m my name is s-sienna and I'm 15 aswell" I say anxiously

"Already got you stuttering for me" he laughs "my names James and im 19" "and my names Dylan and I'm 18"

I wasn't stuttering BC of him I was stuttering bcs I have been struggling badly with anxiety even more than I used to before my mom died

"Cool!" Claire says "yeh cool"I say quietly

"So would you lady's want to come clubbing with us

" but we -were under age"I state

"Its fine we can sort out some fake ids for u both" james says

"That's greatt we'll be there we can meet up at 6pm"Claire says

" Claire I don't know about this"

"Cmom nenna its just a bit of fun she says you only live once"

"Okay fine" I say just not wanting to drag it on

*We give them our snap chats so we can keep in touch*

"Okay see you girls then" Dylan and James say walking

Let's go buy some dresses to wear Claire says and grabs onto my arm and drags me into the shopping center

We both by short dresses I get White and Claire gets black

We both by short dresses I get White and Claire gets black

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We both get a pair of heels we get home and thank god Hunter isn't home or he would kill me for earlier and my outfit

We do our hair and makeup and get an uber to the club

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