Chapter 40

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"I'm really glad you came, Flo," Fred smiled, as he released himself from the tight hug he had pulled me into. "I really can't believe you two aren't coming back," I sighed, as I offered a quick hug to George. 

"You'll be fine, Flora," he laughed, as he ruffled my hair. "Just make sure to write us every once in a while," he added, and I just nodded my head in understandment. "You two as well," I added, before the train whistled a warning that it was about to leave. 

"Well, I better be off then," I sighed, before I picked up my bag, and offered them one last hug. "We'll see you at break!" they shouted in unison, just before I walked onto the train, and I offered them a smile back. 

As I walked onto the train, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed at the sight of all the students who were eager to return back to Hogwarts. I tried my best to squeeze past the multitude of people crowding the hallway of the train, in hopes of finding a compartment to myself. 

As I walked towards the middle of the train, I noticed Harry, Hermione, and Ron all sharing what looked to be a private, yet serious, conversation. Once they saw me, I heard Hermione call after me. As I looked around the room, I watched as Ron offered me an awkward smile, before he turned to Harry with frightened eyes. 

As I turned my attention towards Harry, I watched as he slowly looked around the room, willingly meeting everyone else's gaze, except my own. I couldn't help but scoff, before I just politely waved at Hermione, before I motioned towards the front of the train, hinting that I was trying to find a seat up front. 

I watched as her shoulders slumped a little, before Harry let out a breath of relief, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. If I were being honest, he was the main reason why I wasn't interested in sitting with them. 

Earlier in the night, as we all began to pack, Harry had come up to my room to have an "important conversation," as he put it. I had offered him my time and concentration, before he conjured up the idea that Draco could possibly be a Deatheater. I instantly began to yell how absurd the idea was, and that he needed to stop obsessing over him, and of course, he didn't like that comment too much. 

For thirty minutes straight, both of us kept arguing back and forth, as well as throwing insults here and there, until the twins finally pulled Harry out of the room, and demanded that both of us go our separate ways for the night. Once the morning had arrived, I briskly grabbed my bags, and offered my thanks to Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, before the twins and I set off to the train station. 

"Flora!" someone shouted, pulling me away from my thoughts. As I looked around, I noticed that I was now at the front of the train. As I looked for the voice, I noticed Pansy hanging outside a door from one of the compartments, motioning for me to join her. 

"Hey Pans," I smiled, before she quickly pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh my god! It's been forever!" she expressed, as she quickly drew back to take a look at me, before she brought me into another forceful hug. 

"How have you been? How was your summer?" she started, as she released me from the hug, and dragged me onto the seat next to her.

"It was -- umm -- interesting to say the least," I explained, and she just offered me a curious nod. "I love what you've done with your hair? Growing it out?" I asked, and she just nodded her head. 

"I figured it was time I grew out the bob and bangs," she joked, as she began to play with mine. "I see your curls are still as beautiful as ever. Longer too," she smiled, and I just took a deep breath in. 

"Starting to become too wild, I'm afraid," I complained, as I pushed the hair out of my face. "Anyway, how was your break?" I asked, and immediately, she began ranting on and on about her summer. 

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