Chapter 20

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I haven't been able to sleep recently. After the second task, I've had a nightmare almost every night since then, and it was exhausting. My dreams would consist of something happy and warm, but then it would shift into something dangerous and cold. And everytime it ended, there would always be a flash of green light before I woke up screaming or crying.

I've been feeling a certain dread, almost as if my body and mind were trying to tell me something wasn't right. I tried to act as if everything was fine around Cedric and my friends, but all I wanted was to be alone. 

After dinner, I was able to sneak away to the Black Lake. Even though it was freezing outside, I was hoping the fresh air would help calm my nerves a little. As I closed my eyes and listened to the nature that surrounded me, a voice interrupted the peace. 

"You okay, Flo?" I heard, but I already knew who it was. "You don't need to keep tabs on me, Theo," I started, continuing to close my eyes. "You're more than welcome to join me, though."

I could feel his presence now sitting on the ground, while his eyes bore into me. "Are you still having nightmares?" he asked, as he moved closer to me. 

He was the only one that knew of the nightmares. Everytime I would scream myself awake, he was always there ready to offer me comfort. Now that the screaming was over, he didn't have to come in so often. Although, I've heard him check in on me every now and then once he thought I was asleep. 

"They've died down," I lied. He shouldn't have to worry about me; no one should. 

"Flo?" I heard him ask. As I opened my eyes and turned towards him, I could see the worried expression he wore on his face. I just nodded my head, telling him to continue. "What are they about?" he asked, paying close attention to my reaction.

Before I answered him, I took in a big breath and quickly looked back out at the lake. "I wish I could pinpoint exactly what the overall theme is, but it's different everytime," I started.

"Sometimes they're about Harry and the night of the Quidditch World Cup. Then it shifts to me being home, talking with my parents, but... then they just disappear," I said, quickly shaking my head, trying to get rid of the tears that were now pricking at my eyes. "Then there's Cedric. They've mainly been about him. Everytime I dream about him, I always wake up to a flashing green light, but there's never been any reasoning as to why," I explained, looking over at him, my voice now shaky.

"And then there's you," I hesitated, and I watched his gaze soften and his eyebrows furrow, tears now falling down my face. "We start off as happy, laughing by the river at home. Then it shifts to you reading poetry to me, as I take pictures of you and the scenery around us. It's always so perfect," I stopped, as I looked away from him.

"I don't understand, Flo. That doesn't sound like a nightmare," he explained, as he reached for my hand and placed it into his.

 "It's not, until you leave me," I cried out. "Everything goes perfect, then, it's like a storm comes. We end up fighting and cursing at one another, until you've finally had enough. And then you just leave. And everytime I go looking for you, I can never find you, Theo," I finished, and he quickly wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer, hugging me tight.

"It's okay, Flo. They're just bad dreams. You and I both know I would never leave you," he said, as he placed a soft kiss to my head. I just shook my head in understandment, as I turned back towards the lake, shifting myself to lean my back against his chest. He soon wrapped his arms around me, fiddling with the rings on my fingers, and I felt safe.

Theo was always the one who made me feel completely safe. No one else could compare; not even my own parents could make me feel this safe like he could. I could never imagine what I would do without him.

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