Chapter 22

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"Happy Birthday, Flora darling," my mom smiled, as I turned to admire the earrings I had just received from her and my father. "I can't believe you're already 15," my father gushed, as he placed a warm kiss on top of my head. I just smiled, as I brought them both in for hug.

"I love you both so much," I sighed, squeezing them tighter. They both just let out a small laugh, before realizing how serious I was.

"You okay, Flo?" my dad asked, as he cupped the sides of my face. "I know this year hasn't exactly been-" he started, but I quickly cut him off with a wave of my hand. "I'm fine, dad. I promise," I lied, offering him a fake smile. He just nodded his head, offering me a smile before he left my room.

Turning back towards my mirror, I started to try and fix my curls. They were crazy and frizzy like usual, so I just pinned them up into a messy bun. "Did you ever send a letter to Harry?" my mom asked hesitantly, as she placed her hands on top of my shoulders, squeezing them softly. I just glared at her through the mirror, but quickly took in a deep breath to calm myself down.

"No," I sighed, as I got up from my vanity, and began to pull out some clothes to wear today. Today was the 4th of June, and it was a beautiful day outside; the air was still and calm, but just warm enough to wear a summer dress. "I'll send one later," I added, just before I went to my bathroom and changed.

"Don't forget about him, Florence Anne. I'm sure he's having a difficult time too," she scolded, and I just rolled my eyes.

"I know he is, mom," I shouted, as I stormed out of the bathroom, throwing my pajamas into the laundry hamper. "I just don't think I'm ready, is all," I pointed out, as I began to pack a tote bag. I quickly packed a book, blanket, journal, and a couple of pens and pencils before I rushed out of my room and down the stairs.

I needed to get away. Everytime my parents mentioned Harry or Cedric, I felt a sense of rage flow throughout my entire body. I always found myself needing a safe space to run to so I could calm down. So, I made the creek that flowed in between the woods behind my house, just that. As I ran out the front door, I quickly got on my bike, and headed straight for the creek.

Once I got there, I gently leaned my bike onto a tree, while taking in a deep breath as I looked around at the peaceful scenery. I quickly grabbed the blanket and laid it out onto the soft, dewy grass. I soon began to write about my week; how I'm feeling since the last time I was at Hogwarts, but my journal mainly consisted of my dreams.

I've still been having nightmares.

They died down once I had left Hogwarts, but they still came around. Most are about the night Cedric died; the image of Harry over his dead, cold body on the ground, constantly replays over and over, until I finally wake up with tears streaming down my face.

Some had even consisted of Harry; I would always seem to be trying to warn him of something that was headed this way, but I could never make out what I was telling him. It always sounded like gibberish when I spoke, and before I could hear anything he tried to tell me, there would be a bolt of green light that would wake me up with a racing heart and a sweaty body.

As I finished up my journal entry, I reminded myself to try and at least start a letter to send to Harry. At this point, I haven't talked to anyone. I wanted to be alone for a while, and although everyone's letters and get well wishes were nice, all they did was remind me of the pain that I was trying so hard to forget.


As the day passed me by, I noticed how hungry I had become, so I gathered my things, and made my way back up towards the house. I was hoping there would be a good lunch, since I had skipped out on breakfast.

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