Chapter 1

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8:00 a.m

I couldn't sleep last night. 

My nerves never seemed to settle, and I never knew what to expect from the last few weeks of summer at The Burrow. Sure, my friends were great, and I've known them for what seems like forever, but sometimes I still felt like an outcast.

"Florence Anne Holloway! Come on or you're going to be late," my mom exclaimed.

 "Coming mum!" 

I knew I couldn't be late; Hermione would never let me hear the end of it. She always gets annoyed when I leave her to deal with the twins by herself. 

I swiftly got out of bed and began getting dressed, settling on a simple tan tank top and some skinny jeans. I quickly threw my hair in a tight braid, ready for whatever the day held.

As I made my way downstairs, I noticed my owl, Tucker, coming through the window of the living room. I quickly grabbed the letter from his beak and examined it. I soon realized the exquisite seal on the back; none other than the Nott family crest symbol. I immediately opened the letter and began reading with excitement.

     I may or may not have outdone myself this time. I know I always say this when I am in need of a place to stay, but I'm for real this time Flo. I cannot take my Dad anymore or the pathetic responsibilities he throws my way. Does he not realize that I'm only 15 years old? Anyway, I couldn't take anymore of his threats and it soon became another fight. I didn't want to do anything I would end up regretting, so I left. But no need to worry. I remembered that you always spent the last few weeks of summer at The Burrow with stupid potter and that mud blood friend of yours, so I sent a letter to a friend from school, and he invited me to spend the rest of summer with him. I guess I was just wishing I could escape to your reality for the last bit of summer. But, I believe I may see you at the Quidditch World Cup. Enjoy your time at The Burrow, although I don't know how you can with all the annoying red heads and muggle lovers.
Love always,
After reading his letter, I couldn't help but feel a sting of guilt, as well as hatred. I've never really been a big fan of Theo's father. He had always been hard on him ever since his mother passed when he was just 7 years old. His father still has a hard time letting her go, but that shouldn't be an excuse to hurt your son in so many ways. 

Nobody knew of these occurrences except me and my parents, and Theo would always come over to my house when things took a turn for the worse. No matter if it's the beginning, middle, or end of summer, he will always be welcomed into the Holloway household. His mother and mine used to be best friends, and whenever his had passed, my mum promised she would love him just as strongly as his mother did.

I quickly grabbed a pencil and wrote him a letter back, replying that I was ecstatic to be seeing him at the World Cup. I also reminded him that he was always welcome to spend the rest of the summer at my house, although he would be alone. My mum and dad always spent the last 2 weeks of summer on their own for vacation; it's also like a mini vacation from them. And even though they're the best parents you could possibly ask for, sometimes I just needed a break.

I swiftly sealed the envelope and sent Tucker on his way. Grabbing my bag, I continued towards the front door, ready to be there already. "Do you have everything, Flora Darling?" my mum asked, just as she grabbed her bag and stuffed her wand inside.

"Yes, I have everything I need. You know I always triple check everything," I replied. "Now come on! We'll be late. I've been trying to tell you this for the past 10 minutes," I laughed, as I ran out the front door.

"Oh please," she sighed, as she followed after me. 

"Meeting dad at the train station?" I asked, noticing the briefcase she had brought as well.

"Yes. He had to finish some last minute paperwork, but he says he'll miss you and that he loves you very much" she replied. "Now, grab my arm and hold on tight," she said, as she prepared to apparate.

Apparation was my favorite way to travel. It was much better than taking the train, or having our driver take us everywhere. Following her instructions, she swiftly flicked her wand, and we were soon traveling in the air to The Burrow.

As soon as I felt my feet hit the ground, I heard my mother let out a relieving sigh. She was always worried one of us would end up getting splinched, but she was the best at traveling in the family. 

"Well," she started, as she turned towards me and placed both of her hands onto my shoulders. "I need you to promise me you will be on your very best behavior for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," she demanded. "Don't let those Weasley boys influence you too much!"

I quickly rolled my eyes, but I promised her I would behave anyway. She knows that I'm always the responsible one in the group; at least most of the time I am. With a quick kiss to the cheek and a hug goodbye, I was soon left alone.

As I turned towards The Burrow, a huge smile formed onto my lips as I took in the sight. The beautiful grass fields that surrounded their house, brought so much warmth and calmness to the atmosphere.

These last few weeks of summer were going to be the most memorable. I could just feel it.


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