Chapter 8

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When the train finally arrived to Hogwarts, I began to grow more nervous by the second. A sudden dread washed over me, as I began to wonder what my years here at Hogwarts would be like. 

Would I enjoy my time here, or would I miss home more? Will my friends and I always be this close, or will we break off into different groups? The thoughts that rummaged through my brain could fill anybody with discomfort.

"Don't be worried," Theo laughed, as we left the train and headed towards the luggage drop off. "I'm sure everyone will love you." He could sense my nerves; he somehow always knew what I was feeling. All I could give him in return was a small smile and a nod. 

As we gathered our trunks, we walked towards the carriages that seemed to be magically pulling the students towards the castle. I was always in awe of the magic that surrounded us. "They're Thestrals," Theo sighed. 

"What do you mean?" I asked in return. 

"Well, Thestrals can only be seen by those who have seen death. That's what's pulling the carriages, not magic," he explained. I couldn't help but just stand there in guilt and sorrow. I had almost forgotten that Theo was the one to watch his mother die. 

He just offered a laugh and a smile before he helped me into the carriage. I could tell he didn't want to talk about his mother, so I decided to leave it alone; it was always too painful. 

One of the main differences between Theo and I, is the fact that he was always able to hide his emotions. He could read me like a book, and although I could tell when something was wrong, I always had to dig a little deeper to find what was really going on inside his head. 

I didn't want to push him with any uncomfortable questions, so I just sat by him in silence, as we headed towards the castle.


The ride there was short and simple. Once we arrived, I couldn't help but allow my jaw to drop; the castle was beautiful. "Welcome to your new home," I heard a soft voice speak, as I hopped out of the carriage. 

"Cedric!" I shouted, as I embraced him with a big hug. I hadn't seen him since the incident, so it was a relief to know he was okay. 

"Nice to see you too, Flora," he smiled, as he returned the hug. "Ready for the best time of your life?" he asked, as he walked me to the entrance of the castle. 

"Of course! Although, the pit in my stomach would say otherwise," I responded.

"Oh, don't be. Anyone you meet here will be extremely lucky to have you as a friend," he explained as he gave me a slight wink. "That's what I keep telling her," Theo chimed in as all three of us entered the castle.

The inside was even more magical. The hallways were long, filled with the most detailed architecture along the walls, and the ceilings seemed like they could touch the sky. There seemed to be never ending corridors, along with twists and turns everywhere. I couldn't believe this place was going to be my home for months to come. 

As I took in my surroundings, I noticed we were approaching an elderly woman with a large, black, pointy hat. "New students of Hogwarts, come with me. The rest of you should be making your way in the dining hall," the elderly woman said.

"Professor McGonagall," Theo whispered with a smile. I couldn't help but giggle, remembering the time Theo told me he got detention by her. "I'll see you in there. Good luck," he winked as he made his way towards the giant double doors. Following Professor McGonagall into a chamber off of the other room, she began to explain what we were about to do.

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