Chapter 6

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That's all I saw whenever I exited the tent.

"Get out! It's the Death Eaters!" a man screamed, as he ran past us.

Death Eaters? What the hell were they doing here?

"Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "Fred, George! Ginny is your responsibility. Go!"

Within an instant, I was being dragged with the rest of my friends by Hermione. We all needed to make our way through the screaming people to get back to the Portkey, so we tried to stay huddled together in hopes of not losing each other. "Keep up, you lot!" George shouted.

That's when I noticed Harry was no longer with us. "Harry! Harry!" Hermione screamed, but we could no longer see him.

"I'll find him, don't worry. Stay with the group!" I shouted above the screams. I couldn't just leave him, so I freed my arm from her grip, and set off to find him. "Florence no!" she begged, but her voice quickly drowned out, as I had already gotten further away from her.

I quickly spotted Harry and tried my best to make my way to him, but there were too many people around, bumping and shoving their way through. As I saw him running through the crowd, I was met with a large shove from someone running past. I went flying into the rubbish that had already burned to the ground, and I hit my head on something hard. Immediately, my vision went blurry and my head began to throb unconditionally.

I felt something begin to trickle down my face, and as I went to wipe it away, I quickly found out it was blood. As I looked around, I noticed Harry had turned to the ground as well. "H-Harry," I tried to call out. 

I did my best to crawl my way over to him, but someone had stopped me. I didn't have the strength to fight back, so I allowed them to pick me up. The world began to spin out of control, and my body couldn't take it any longer. Then suddenly, I could no longer see or feel anything.


Trees. Darkness. Blonde hair. That is all I saw as I regained my consciousness.

Wait... Blonde hair?

I felt my body being placed back upon the ground, and I tried my best to open my eyes to see who had helped me. Once I opened them, and my vision came into play, I saw the blonde haired boy from earlier.

However, he didn't look as sharp as he did before. This time, he was covered in ashes and dirt. As I looked around, I realized he had brought us into the woods.

The smell of smoke lingering in the air quickly snapped me back into reality, and I remembered Harry on the ground and my friends. "I've got to get back to Harry," I started, as I stumbled back to my feet. But, I was still unsteady and I slowly began to fall back to the ground.

"Hey, easy. You're still bleeding," he tried, but I waved him off. "I don't care. I need to get back to my friends," I said, as I tried to get back on my feet. Again, my body had different plans for me, and I began to feel dizzy and weak again.

"Are you deaf? I told you to take it easy," he groaned, annoyed, as he made me sit back down. "Your friends are fine. I'm sure they have already saved the night and your precious Potter."

"And how would I know if you're telling the truth? You seem to be holding a grudge against them," I argued.

"Well. I did just save your life, and I'm sure they have found him already. They always do," he mumbled, whilst rolling his eyes. I guess he had a point there.

In The Next Life - Theodore Nott FanficWhere stories live. Discover now