Chapter 39

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After Draco and I's birthdays, the months flew by so fast, that I had almost forgotten all about Fred and George's grand opening. I was glad Draco was here to spend the summer with me; we even wanted to start our own tradition of spending our summers together. We had been so busy having fun down in the lake, reading, and even playing quidditch here and there. He had mentioned that I should try out for this year's team, in which I told him I would have to think about it. 

"I just don't understand why you have to go," Draco scoffed, just as I laid my head onto his lap. "I promised them I would be there ever since they even mentioned the idea," I sighed, as I looked over at him, but he just rolled his eyes. "You could come if you want," I pointed out, but he quickly declined that offer.

"I'd rather be caught dead, then willingly hang out with those Weasels' and saint Potter," he complained, and I just let out a laugh. "That's what I thought," I sighed, and he just offered me a smirk. 

"Are you ready to be back at Hogwarts?" he asked, and I just shrugged my shoulders. "I'm ready to see everyone," I sighed, and once he furrowed his eyebrows, I instantly knew what he was about to say. 

"I just want to know if he's safe. Once I have that figured out, I won't have any interest in speaking with him. Although, I'm not really sure if he'll be back at school," I explained, as I gathered up off of the ground, and threw myself onto the bed. 

"Maybe -- things will change once you see him, though," he offered, but I just shrugged my shoulders and took in a deep breath. "Do you still love him?" he whispered, so soft that I had barely heard him. I couldn't help but look at him curiously, wondering why all of a sudden he cared for my answer.

"I'll always love him, Draco. There's nothing he could do to hurt me in a way where I would ever stop," I sighed, but he just stared at the floor. The room grew awkwardly quiet and I noticed how he began to fidget with his hands; he was nervous in the way where he wanted to say something, but couldn't. 

Just as he began to speak again, my mother walked into the room. "Flora, have you finished packing your things?" she asked, as she looked between Draco and I, but I just shook my head no, before she offered me stern look. 

"Well, you best be getting started, then," she smiled, as she guided her hands up in an upward motion, hinting for me to get up and walk with her through the hallway and into my room. "Don't forget to prepare a bouquet for Mrs. Weasley," I pointed out, and she quickly shook her head in understandment, before she left my room.

As I began packing, I couldn't help but wonder what Draco knew that I didn't. I know he wants what is best for me, and maybe I really didn't need to know, but it was killing me on the inside. I knew it had to involve Theo of some sorts, but I couldn't quite grasp onto why.

I guess I would find out back at Hogwarts. 


"Oh, Florence. They're beautiful," Mrs. Weasley beamed, as I walked through the front door of The Burrow. "Do make sure to tell your mother what an excellent gardener she is," she smiled, as she walked over to the kitchen to find a vase for the flowers. 

For the rest of the week, Draco had been acting strange. I noticed a letter had arrived from his mother, and ever since then, he was cold and distant. It wasn't until a surprise visit from his mother, that had me worried something else was going on. 

I had tried to argue my way into knowing why he had to leave all of a sudden, but my parents forced me into my room without another word to him. I began to scream and curse at them, angry at everyone for always keeping secrets from me. 

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