The guard obeyed without hesitation, stepping back and allowing us to pass.

Zion's face was battered, reminding me of well-prepared ketchup. Even his clothes were ruined.

"Please, Alpha, have mercy on Zion," Amari pleaded, falling to her knees. "He might be stubborn, but he's not evil."

D'Angelo's gaze rested on her. "And who are you?" He asked in the most curious tone of voice.

"She's my best friend," I whispered to D'angelo. "This has caused her lots of pain."

"You have a big heart, and I hope it doesn't lead you in trouble Tell her not to worry about him," he said, stroking my cheek with his thumb before facing Amari. "We do not condone lying. He accused me of beating him up. Don't you think he deserves worse punishment?"

Amari trembled, saying nothing.

"I'll let him go, but he has to confess the truth, or else he will face the consequences. Insulting his alpha and challenging my authority is a serious crime."

Then he turned to the warriors. "Make him talk. I want to hear him admit his guilt."

A breath caught sharply in my throat when three hefty warriors surrounded Zion, tightening their grip on him, but Zion refused to speak.

Amari couldn't contain her frustration any longer. Her face was red with rage.

"You fool, just tell them the truth and stop being so stubborn!"

Zion's head hung in defeat before looking up at the alpha. When our eyes met, a defiant glint appeared on his face.

What the fuck?

"Doesn't look remorseful," D'Angelo said with a dry tone.

"Indeed. Left to me, I would say they give him a little beating, but my best friend is already distressed, and I promised her to change your mind."

"Is she Zion's sister?"

"She's the girl I told you about. Zion has refused to mark her," I said in one breath and D'Angelo's eyes widened before regaining himself.

"It's funny because if I were your friend, I wouldn't settle for someone who looks like a character in a zombie apocalypse movie," he chuckled with mockery, then turned to face Amari.

"Aren't you digging your grave by opting to be with someone so selfish?"

"The Moon Goddess gave him to me as my mate," she said, emphasizing the moon goddess. "Anyone who's been blessed with the mating bond understands the dynamic."

Her voice grew soft. "I can't imagine my life without him. I want us to be together."

I signed and turned away. Ironic how D'Angelo mocked Zion and Amari's bond when he refused to mark me.

"Don't be stupid," my subconscious said to me. "Your case is different. D'Angelo is an alpha. You're not worthy."

Snapping out of my thoughts, I whispered into his left ear. "Zion doesn't want to mark her because he's still pained that I left him for you."

"See. He's so foolish that he needs to be rewarded for stupidity," he laughed lightly. "I am more than happy that you didn't end up with him. Imagine the catastrophe."

Then he lowered himself and gripped Zion's chin. "Confess now, or else your punishment will be much worse. I have ways to make you talk, and it won't be pleasant. I've got a blade that can rip your brains out, broken glasses to punch your flesh, oh wait, my favorite one is a spring-loaded knife-"

The Alpha's Omega Mistressحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن