"You can take a book with you if you want," Shina smiled as Liam traced the first row of books.

Zayn had also helped Liam to reach a shelf that day. Liam's chest fuzzed with the fond memory of Zayn leaning over him, watching him with those intense eyes.

Baela excused herself when her phone rang. She stood in the corner of the main room to answer Zayn's call.

"I'll forget to give it back." Liam's eyes gleamed as he stood in his second home for the first time in almost two years. He felt a sense of calm. The library had been his hiding spot from Harry, his family, and his life. Here, Liam lost himself in other worlds of fiction for as long as he pleased. He could
do that at the Packhouse, but now he had nothing to hide from.

"It's okay, we can send someone to the institute to get it back."

Liam, Lynx, and Bethan all turned to look at her, surprised.

Shina shook her head with an amused smile.

"Zayn Malik hangs around her for a few weeks before Liam goes missing, and you expect me to think the boy ran away?" She eyed the other librarians chatting happily by the main desk. "I've known about your kind for a long time, so don't panic. If I wanted to reveal your secret, I would've done it decades ago."

Liam was speechless, but that was nothing knew, so Lynx asked, "Why didn't you try to settle down the rumours of him being stolen by wolves?"

"Because I would sound like l knew something everyone else didn't, which is true. Daniel and we know a lot and we keep it to ourselves. It's none of our business what you get up to, as long as it doesn't impact on how we want to live too."

"Daniel?" Baela asked, joining them once again, glancing to Liam.

"Shina is Daniel's sister."

"Oh," Francis breathed, deciding to ignore Bethan and Lynx's odd glances. She would ask Zayn later if they could know about what was really going on.

"I was worried about you Liam, of course I was, but I understood where you had gone, and I did wonder if you were safe." Shina held his hands. "You are safe, aren't you?"

Liam's immediate answer was no, but he didn't want to fill his old friend with worry. "As safe as I can be."

"But you're happy?"

If Liam was asked that a few weeks ago, he wouldn't know how to answer. Zayn had torn through everything that was certain to Liam, his happiness, his love, his home. Though Zayn was doing very well at putting it back together again.

"I am," he said with a bright smile. He meant it, and Shina saw that he did.

"Good. We can't have our Liam miserable now, can we?" She linked arms with him and guided him to their new books section.

Baela stopped Rocket and Bethan from following him down the aisles.

"So," Shina whispered, glancing behind them. "Now that those wolves are not looming over you, are you truly safe Liam?"

"I am." Liam knew the werewolves could still hear them.

"'Are you sure you're happy too?"

Liam sighed. "Do you, um, know that werewolves get bonds?"

Shina nodded. Her bobbed grey hair swung
around her aged neck.

"Well, I'm bonded with Zayn, and it's the best thing to ever happen to me. It has its challenges like all relationships, especially because they're.. werewolves, but he really loves me and I um" Liam blushed. "I love him too."

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