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Forgive me for taking so long.It's been increasingly difficult to write. My grandfather is in hospital and I don't have the time or the mental disposition.
I'm not going to promise any chapters any time soon, but you should know that I won't abandon the story and I fully intend to finish it.

Keep leaving your opinions
and comments,
they are the highlight of my day.
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Khao had been put in First's room, who was running around the mansion trying to figure out how the auras got there and why they were taking vampires instead of killing them.
There had never been any form of organization to their attacks before and such a drastic evolution worried First, without Aj to help him put the complex in order would take longer than he would have liked, especially since he felt himself obliged to check on Khao every 30 minutes just to make sure that the boy was still okay.
Jimmy had checked the wizard's vital signs and affirmed that he was stable; his lack of consciousness was probably due to the great physical distress earlier, but First wasn't convinced.
The zombie witch appeared in less than a minute to carry out an energy transfer, a procedure avoided by almost every sorcerer he had ever met, giving their life energy to others wasn't exactly something they liked to do, as well as being extremely risky, it diminished their powers.
Brigth refused to answer any of his questions, before telling him that he was leaving the compound to pick up Win, his boyfriend and Khao's best friend, and that if he didn't return in two hours, the vampire should send some men after him, because Win would probably have killed him.
A little too dramatic in First's opinion.
- Sir - Mark called out - we've finished counting, they've taken 10 of our people, including Aj.
First sighed angrily.
- Tell everyone we're on high alert. No one enters or leaves without my permission. I want guards at all the exits, sentries on the roof and I think it's best to keep the younger ones in exile for their protection
- Yes, sir.
- And Mark - called First - I want you to lead the search team, get ready, select who you want and leave within one hour, we need to take advantage of the moonlight.
- Yes sir - replied Mark - Thank you for choosing me.
- I heard that Neo was also taken.
Mark didn't answer, since it wasn't exactly a question, he just stared at First, wondering if he knew how he felt about the younger man.
- Find them
- Yes, sir.
Mark left, finally leaving First alone.There were so many questions, so many things to do and decisions to be made, but he couldn't think of anything but Khao, so he left the papers on his desk and went to his room.
The sight of Khao unconscious in his bed was comforting  and frightening at the same time, contradictory emotions that the vampire had never felt before.
Kanaphan sat down on the edge of the bed and held Khao's hand in search of comfort, and stayed that way for a long time until he felt a shock emanating from the touch, a wave of energy hit him, before he felt the sorcerer's grip in response. First stared in astonishment at the sorcerer's eyes, which glowed an icy, mesmerizing blue. Khao took a deep breath and increased his grip on First's hand, gradually realizing where and with whom he was, he slowly calmed down and his eyes returned to their natural brown.Still holding First's hand, Khao remembered what had happened.
He could feel Godji's energy in him, which meant that he had exhausted himself by using his powers again. He could already feel the headache he would get from meeting the Witch again. She was alredy not happy with him after he ran away from his last appointment.
- Is everyone all right?
- We've had a few casualties - replied the vampire
- Fourth?
- He refused to leave your side - he said, smiling. - I had to threaten him to eat and get some sleep.
Khao relaxed when he heard that the boy was all right.
- They were organized- commented Khao - as if they were following orders, which is impossible, not even my father could do something like that.
At the mention of Rattanak's First closed his face apprehensively, which didn't go unnoticed by Khao who quickly pulled his hand away and curled up in the covers.
- Khao
- No - replied the sorcerer - I got carried away, I forgot who I am and who you are, I won't make the same mistake again. If you're going to hand me over to the council, know that
- Stop it! - shouted the vampire - I'm not going to do that
Khao stared at him in confusion.
- I'm not - repeated First - I just need time
- I don't have time. - whispered Khao - With these new aura attacks, you know who the council will blame - Khao hated how the blame always fell on his father's apprentices. - They don't care if it's true or not.
- You need to understand that
- You didn't care either - interrupted Khao, staring at him coldly.
The younger man's words hit him harder than he imagined, because they were true. First hadn't investigated or asked questions, nothing.
- You're right. - First stood up - I'd just lost my brother, I wasn't thinking straight - First paced back and forth - Not that that's an excuse for what I did. I just need you to understand, 20 years ago the shadow world was in chaos, the species were ready for war and most of the wizards were out of control.
The council could barely keep things hidden from human eyes. And I've honestly never been very fond of wizards until now. Khao watched him quietly, he had never seen the vampire like this, agitated and anxious, like a teenager.
- I remember fighting your father - First finally stopped and faced Khao - he almost killed me, no one should have that much power. I didn't really know what he was doing, I never even bothered to investigate, and I never knew anything about your mother Khao finally looked First in the eye, surprisingly Khao could read the vampire like an open book, and that regretful look he could tell was real.
- My father knew you were being watched,- Khao replied - long before the opening. That's what caused everything, his research wasn't well regarded in the eyes of the Council, so he hid my mother's pregnancy, only a couple of friends and some of his students knew. She was at a friend's house when she was possessed - Khao shuddered at the last word, it was still difficult to talk about it and even though he was reluctant, First sat down again and took hold of Khao's hand and listened intently
-The aura would have killed her, but her friend was a sorceress and she was in suspended ecstasy. My father didn't want to try the procedure. My mother told me that he knew about the risks, until then it was all just theory - Khao intertwined her fingers with the vampire's in search of support.
- He had no choice, First, it was this or he would lose us both. First knew what it was like to lose loved ones. He had lost his entire family when he was still human and had seen many important people die after being turned. Now, sitting hand in hand with the outcome of that choice, the vampire knew he couldn't judge Rattanak's, he had made the right decision.
- My mother lost consciousness as soon as the ritual began. She said that the only thing she remembers was the pain, the energy of the aura burning her from the inside out. Until she couldn't stand herself after that, she woke up in a shelter being looked after by some friends a week later.
- Let me finish - the sorcerer was weak and trembling with the memories talking about it wasn't easy, but now that he had started he knew he had to tell everything.  - I know what happened to my father, I know that the council persecuted him and I also know how he died - Khao let go of First's hand nervously.
- You need to understand that the power that auras possess is made of pure energy, an energy like no other, there is nothing stronger or more dangerous, my father didn't have the time or strength to learn to control it. Before it consumed him.
-I did - said Khao in a lower tone.
First stared at him.
- I was born with a portion of that same energy.  - Khao stared at his hands in shame First stood up in surprise.
That was too much to take in
- I didn't ask for it First - Khao tried to explain - I've been learning to control it since I was little, that's how I met Godji by the way. She was a friend of my mother's and was my teacher for years.  And believe me, I don't like it one bit. I avoid using my powers as much as possible.
- The black flames - First remembered - in the catacombs
-It's been increasingly difficult to control. Suppressing the flames takes a lot of my energy.
-That's why you fainted.
Khao agreed.
- And why are you telling me all this? 
- Because I want you to understand, I'm not ashamed of who my father is, but I've spent my whole life hiding and running away because your precious council prefers fear to the truth - Khao said confidently. - And because I like you.

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