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First I would like to thank you for all the super sweet messages you have sent me and thank you so much for staying interested in the story.

Thank you for your patience and I'm happy to tell that my physical therapy is over and i'm back !!

I started writing again a week ago So I only have two chapters ready I promise to be posting them today and next week and if all goes well which I hope it will soon we'll be getting into the best part of the story.
Enjoy ...

Khao woke up dizzy and with a migraine when he opened his eyes he knew he was screwed

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Khao woke up dizzy and with a migraine when he opened his eyes he knew he was screwed.
He found himself in a five star room which right after a fight with a Vampire could only mean one thing the board had finally found him.
— Shit. - he sighed irritably as he slowly got up from the bed.

He still moved slowly because of dizziness but soon found a mirror and checked himself despite some scratches and bruises he wasn't seriously hurt unlike the Vampire he fought with, he clearly remembered stabbing before blacking out and in an involuntary movement looked looked for his Dagger in the back of his pants but obviously couldn't find it Of course they wouldn't leave him armed not that he really needed it but it was always good to have it you.
Finally assessing his situation Khao looked around the room it was a simple room despite being elegant with paintings and clearly expensive furniture he wondered if the council had taken him why he was here and not in a lost cell in some dark dungeon actually why he was still alive ?

It makes no sense, curious he went to the door that to his surprise was not locked.
— Fuck - he shouted as he came face to face with a man standing calmly in front of the door with a glass of drink and a gun in each hand.
— Hello for you too.
Looking up and down at the man in front of him, he noticed that he was wearing social pants and only a shirt with a few buttons already open, had seen him in the club before he could definitely recognize him anywhere he was Brigth's boss, Chayapol Jutama, the vampire was First's right-hand man and oldest friend. Probably his only friend.

Only then he realize that he hadn't been able to escape he didn't know how or why but he was already at the mercy of Kanaphan.

He slammed the door aggressively and returned to the room surveying his surroundings, he notice the windows were locked the room was probably on the third floor, and there would probably be vampires in every direction it would be nearly impossible to escape an idea however it popped into his head but it would be too crazy he couldn't risk it. Not yet anyway.

He immediately remembered the ring that he had hidden in his backpack before leaving the apartment was his father's ring but then he realize that the backpack was nowhere in the room his ring the only picture he had of his parents and a few of his favorite clothes, all gone.
One step away from despair he ran to what he thought it was the bathroom, splashed some water on his face and stared himself in the mirror he needed to know why he was there why they didn't executed him alredy if they knew he was. He needed more information to decide what his next steps would be and he knew who could help him with that luckily he was only a door away.
Aj hadn't left his post in front of the human's room since he'd been told to watch him, he knew it wasn't necessary he could just send someone to do it but he was too curious there was something about the boy that stirred First in a way he had never seen before. and he had to admit he was happy and a little worried for his friend.

He took the last sip of his drink and placed the glass on the piece of furniture he had been leaning against when he heard footsteps approaching the door from the inside of the room again.
— where I am ? -he heard the human ask as soon as the door opened
— Kanaphan Residence, Suite for Uninvited Guests - replied Aj calmly.
— How did i get here ?
— I brought you here.
— What happened to the another vampire ? The one who fought with me?
— A vampire ? - exclaimed Aj pretending to be surprise.
— Let's not do that. I clearly know what you are, so don't treat me like an idiot and i won't treat you either.
There was no reason hiding just the fact that he possess an obsidian dagger was more than enough evidence and they both knew it.
— You have a point - agreed him smiling, smile that soon disappeared when he replied - is name is Thua and for your information he is still unconscious.
Good, Khao thought he still had time.
— My turn - he says pulling away against the furniture he was before and sizing the boy up and down - Where did he get the Dagger ?
Khao quickly analyzed his situation he could try to lie but he was too nervous and still a little dizzy to control himself enough, not to mention that the vampire had answered all his questions even without needing.
— My mother made for me. -answer Khao truly
— And how did you manage to hit him ? -stared at him intensely - it is practically impossible to achieve what you achieved.
Khao took half a second to analyze what he had just heard and sighed with relief they clearly still didn't know who he was. That gave him time and hope maybe he could get out of there at the end of it
—I got lucky. - he replied smiling sarcastically what made Aj raise an irritated eyebrow
— I thought we had a deal. Don't make me fool - Aj took a step towards the human which made him automatically take a step back. - The way the dagger pierced it was almost surgical a cut like that takes years of training not to mention skill . Who are you ?

That was the only question which he couldn't answer staying silent he watched Aj take another step towards him causing him to take another step back again.
—And what did you do with First ? What is your interest in him ?
— Excuse me ? - exhaled khao irritated - he was the one who trapped me here.
— True.
Aj's laughter started to irritate Khao or maybe it was his head that was still throbbing from the blow.
— I think that's enough for now you should rest your face looks awful. Soon we'll find out everything we need about you, First will take care of it - said Aj in an extremely disturbing tone - He will be here soon.
Immediately Aj could notice how quickly the human's heart started beating with such information which made Aj laugh even more, and with a quick movement he closed the door.

It took a few seconds for Khao to understand what had happened, he was still assimilating the information that he would soon have to deal with First Kanaphan, one of the most feared Vampires among all creatures, head of the oldest clan to exist and probably the best sex of your life.
— I'm so fucked up.

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